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Dropped keel YouTube Videos

Showing 76-85 of 85 results
£2000 Yacht TIMELAPSE TRANSFORMATION – 16months in minutes  #76
Sailing Melody
£2000 Yacht TIMELAPSE TRANSFORMATION – 16months in minutes #76
Timelapse of the entire project to date, right from the very start with lots of never before seen footage. This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this big, old, abandoned steel yacht and it's not only time consuming, it's complicated and quite expensiv...
#75 – This would have cost HUNDREDS! Installing teak in our pilot house
Sailing Melody
#75 – This would have cost HUNDREDS! Installing teak in our pilot house
Welcome to episode 75 of Sailing Melody More work in the pilothouse this week, making the woodwork pretty and adding some decorative touches as well as some more functionality. All that along with juggling outdoor jobs and COLD weather! This is a huge r...
#67 – RUSTY to SHINY : new stainless chain plates
Sailing Melody
#67 – RUSTY to SHINY : new stainless chain plates
Work begins on making the new chainplates, we start preparing the head for insulating and paneling and Emily returns to help us paint the cockpit This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this big, old, abandoned steel yacht and it's not only time consumi...
#66 – We decided to add a gate to the transom
Sailing Melody
#66 – We decided to add a gate to the transom
Further remodelling of the cockpit, transom and back end of Melody this week as well as a look at the new bowsprit and some thoughts on the new chain plates. This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this big, old, abandoned steel yacht and it's not only ...
#65 – Making our boat into our future home
Sailing Melody
#65 – Making our boat into our future home
As winter approaches we will be needing to do more interior work on Melody because the weather up here in North Wales simply doesn't allow for much outdoor work over the winter months. With that in mind we've made a mock up of our pilothouse seating ideas...
#63 – We cut the front off our boat!!!
Sailing Melody
#63 – We cut the front off our boat!!!
Its finally happened! We have, at last got around to cutting off the front of the boat!!! Well not quite but almost! In this week's episode we tackle the rusty anchor chain locker which we know many of you have been waiting for us to do. It's a daunting...
#62 – Welding up a leaky bottom
Sailing Melody
#62 – Welding up a leaky bottom
Remember we're doing all of this so we can go full time cruising as a sailing family in a few years time. This is obviously a huge refit and refurbishment of this big, old, abandoned steel yacht and it's not only time consuming, it's complicated and quite...
#61 – WE REMOVED OUR KEEL!!  Could this be the end of project melody?
Sailing Melody
#61 – WE REMOVED OUR KEEL!! Could this be the end of project melody?
IT'S BAD!! We removed our keel and what we found could result in the end of Project Melody. Melody has a lifting swing keel which goes up inside a box inside the long keel so it is super important to remove that and inspect everything and repair everythi...
#60 – Now our boat will DEFINITELY SINK!!!!
Sailing Melody
#60 – Now our boat will DEFINITELY SINK!!!!
Well our boat will definitely sink now!! In this episode we start tackling some of the bad areas along the bottom of the keel where the side plates of the keel meet the keel base under the engine and prop shaft. We talk to Ian Poole from SV Blown Away an...
Is this the best Steel Sailing Yacht ever designed? The DUDLEY DIX 38 Pilothouse
Sailing Melody
Is this the best Steel Sailing Yacht ever designed? The DUDLEY DIX 38 Pilothouse
Our links Support us on Patreon : Check us out on Instagram : Come talk to us on facebook : Or make a one time contribution via PayPal or Ko-Fi u...