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Drilling holes YouTube Videos

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Packed up. Ready to leave. And a surprise coming –  S02E49 – DIY Catamaran Build
Building Wilda
Packed up. Ready to leave. And a surprise coming – S02E49 – DIY Catamaran Build
The LATEST UPDATE is that you can see what Wilda looks like in REAL TIME and you can support us by joining our Patreon community! Thanks so much for even thinking about it! The link to PATREON is here: This week’s e...
Acorn to Arabella – Journey of a Wooden Boat – Episode 70: What Are Stop Waters?
Acorn To Arabella
Acorn to Arabella – Journey of a Wooden Boat – Episode 70: What Are Stop Waters?
There are many steps in the boat building process that some people may not know of or think about when picturing the work being done. Most see the centerline timbers going up. Then the frames, the planks, deck, spars, etc. And Boom you have a boat! Ho...