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Dreams YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 40 results
The real ups and downs of budget cruising | Sailing Sitka Ep 152
Sailing Sitka
The real ups and downs of budget cruising | Sailing Sitka Ep 152
Jay and Kenna sailed off from Victoria BC, Canada two years ago and have been sailing south ever since. Now, in the luscious lands of Costa Rica, they experience both the highs and lows that come with sailing and cruising offshore.Thank you for watching an...
2 Lovers 2 Boats (Our Solo Sailing Dream…Together)
Adventureman Dan
2 Lovers 2 Boats (Our Solo Sailing Dream…Together)
Recently, I met an amazing woman, Nicole aka @SailingArtha Together, we've been on one adventure after another around Luperon Dominican Republic. But soon, we will embark on both of our biggest adventure to date. A 100 day off grid challenge through out th...
Epic Japan Sailing Adventure: From Cherry Blossoms to Granite Cliffs by boat and bicycle
Pacific Solo
Epic Japan Sailing Adventure: From Cherry Blossoms to Granite Cliffs by boat and bicycle
In this video, I share a major update with you all. After years of incredible adventures and challenges—from cycling across Japan to rediscovering my love for sailing—I've set my sights on a new goal: sailing the length of Japan during Cherry Blossom s...
~To Live Free~  (Motivational Poem & Introspection)
Adventureman Dan
~To Live Free~ (Motivational Poem & Introspection)
This is my own motivational poem and personal perspective. It is an extreme view on life's biggest decisions that we must all face. "To live free, is to risk it all. Plain and simple. Yet so many think they can have both freedom and security.... That is...
This IS Our Favorite Video YET!  What Sailor’s Dream Of | Episode 250
This IS Our Favorite Video YET! What Sailor’s Dream Of | Episode 250
Now THIS IS what sailor's dream of when they want to sail around the world. Places like these and moments like this. The idyllic islands of these remote South Pacific archipelago is a paradise unlike any place we have sailed to yet. Join us on this weeks...
Public Service Announcement About Following Your Dreams! Its Not Always Fun or Sexy!
Sailing Triteia
Public Service Announcement About Following Your Dreams! Its Not Always Fun or Sexy!
Hello Friends, Just a friendly reminder that following your dreams isn't always palm trees in the tropics. For most of us it takes years of hard work to get the pay off. Keep Ya Head Up. Love, James JOIN THE PATREON CREW: Patreon: https://www.patreon....
Un productor de cine italiano nos entrevistó – familia por el mundo (subs Español)
Un productor de cine italiano nos entrevistó – familia por el mundo (subs Español)
Ayúdanos y conviértete en patrocinador Conocimos a Marco en Roccella. Es italiano, vive y trabaja con su esposa en su velero. Quiso la suerte que éramos vecinos. Debido a Corona, al principio estábamos un poco...
We SOLD our Tiny House Left the “Vanlife” and Moved to Colombia Ep. 7
Living Hakuna
We SOLD our Tiny House Left the “Vanlife” and Moved to Colombia Ep. 7
We both had jobs where we were doing well that gave us the security of health and retirement benefits but we didn't want to sacrifice our happiness and freedom for it or for having a good house with good cars ... So we left our jobs and quickly realized th...
A Feisty Sail to the River of Broken Dreams (Sailing SV Sarean) EP. 48
Sailing SV Sarean
A Feisty Sail to the River of Broken Dreams (Sailing SV Sarean) EP. 48
Help keep the adventures coming! Downwind sailing is the BEST and we lap it up with a corker sail to Fitzroy Island. After some R&R and exploration we're off again sailing into Cairns in stout weather, where w...
Sailing Tangaroa
Han catches her first huge fish off of the boat whilst sailing up the coast! The crew stop off at some remote islands to surf and reach the desert islands of the Monties in North West Western Australia. Join us onboard as our happiness levels are high...Su...
Propellor + Fishing Line = Trouble on the way to Gibraltar EP 08
Sailing Starship Friendship
Propellor + Fishing Line = Trouble on the way to Gibraltar EP 08
Things can go really badly when you run over a fishing line. In this episode we get unlucky--or lucky--depending on how you look at the situation. But after a few stressful moments, we’re back to having fun on our journey to Gibraltar. We visit a bunch o...
EP 07 A Series of Great Decisions – Sailing, Swimming and Fishing
Sailing Starship Friendship
EP 07 A Series of Great Decisions – Sailing, Swimming and Fishing
What could go wrong? If you can, we might… even if it’s not a great idea. Because that’s often when the fun happens. With a little safety consideration, we enjoy a sailing swim, do some caving, and find ourselves in a serious boil. Follow our saili...
EP 05 More Please: Sailing Conditions We Love!
Sailing Starship Friendship
EP 05 More Please: Sailing Conditions We Love!
It was a beautiful sail... until we found water in the bilges and the autopilot started screaming, again! The conditions we like to sail in! Plus touring of the mountains around Cascais and overcoming serious Burning Man FOMO. It's no joke. Episode 5 s...
New Sailors in an Amazing Port EP 03
Sailing Starship Friendship
New Sailors in an Amazing Port EP 03
Our first stop after crossing the Bay of Biscay turns out to be one of the most amazing places in Spain. After some fun picking up trash and putting around in the dinghy, we explore the old town and historic castle. Then some friends join us and we head o...
New love sailing the globe!
Sailing Starship Friendship
New love sailing the globe!
We depart this August with the intent to clean up the oceans, have a little fun, and connect with what makes life worth living. Subscribe to keep us motivated and make this world a better place for all.