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Dolphins swimming in the ocean YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Dolphins swimming with the boat & hoisting a spinnaker  // our most beautiful sailing video
Folsom Ocean Views
Dolphins swimming with the boat & hoisting a spinnaker // our most beautiful sailing video
On this sail, we hoisted a spinnaker for the first time, and witnessed dolphins swimming with the boat for over 30 minutes! This was the most beautiful sailing video I have ever put together. The sailing conditons were perfect and while we still have a l...
How to sail across the equator +  Our favourite island! Ep 151
How to sail across the equator + Our favourite island! Ep 151
When a sailor crosses the equator they must give an offering to King Neptune. But what do you give, and what should you wear? As true Brits we dressed up for the occasion and sent a message from THE QUEEN. In this episode we transform from pollywogs to sh...