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Showing 1-15 of 22 results

YouTubes BEST Camera equipment for Vlogging | Sailing Sunday
We review all our camera gear in this video! After sailing for over 3 years now vlogging full-time, this isn't just any old paid tech review video, it's an honest real review of exactly what we have been using over the years with the pros and cons of every...
Unplanned haul out and repairs in Lund
After our prop shaft sheared we were towed out of Tenedos Bay back to Lund to get repairs at Jack's Boat Yard. Not what we had planned for our first trip to Desolation Sound!
Disaster in paradise
We sail from Lund to Tenedos Bay and spend a few days in this amazing anchorage with friends. Our luck runs out and we suffer a critical failure on Floating Freedom in Desolation Sound.
What’s Next for Boating Journey? | Boating Journey
In episode 96 we sit down and share what our boating plans are for 2021. Will we find a liveaboard boat? What boat tours and experiences do we have planned? Watch and find out! Thank you for following our channel! Be sure to subscribe! Follow our blog at ...
Sailing Croatia Islands – Drone
Sailing Croatia Islands filmed with drone.
72 Days Left to Live? – Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 118
Visit our private server at You can gain access to our server by becoming a Patron at Want more LGS? Follow our public Instagram @lazygeckosailing PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! To see extra fun footage in our Season 6 ...
Sailing to amazing Frewin Island – Sailing Indonesia – Learning By Doing Ep 79
Frewin Island is really paradise found. A tiny village in the centre and a perfect golden sand beach bordering onto a vibrant coral reef, coupled with loads of friendly and curious kids and you have found the right spot. After being solo for the past month...
Sailing and Exploring Grenada
On the boat and ready to explore. WE have lifted the sails and started to practice navigating the shores of Grenada. Took some time waiting around for just a few things (like the sail parts mostly) but in the meantime got to explore Grenada and meet some r...
We move onto our SAILBOAT!!
Well its official, after buying the boat back in April, getting married in July and then adventuring in the truck for a three month road trip around the US, we have made it back to our boat in Grenada!! We say our last goodbyes with our besties in Florida ...
The Final Road Trip: Wyoming to Florida
WE have finally reached the end of the three months living out of our truck and on the road. The final push took us from Wyoming to Florida, but with a few pit stops in between. Come with us as we venture out from the West to the East Coast. Leaving Yellow...
Last of the SW; Antelope Canyon, Escalante, Moab and MORE!
We are coming to the bittersweet end of the tour of the Southwest just after our epic trip to Havasupai Falls. Heading back out on Route 66 towards St. George just after a quick visit to Antelope Canyon, Erica heads out for a girls bachelorette weekend whi...
Road Trip to Zion National Park, Vegas & Valley of Fire
A little delay in our trip down to Havasu Falls brings us through Zion, Valley of Fire and Las Vegas! Found ourselves hiking some incredible trails in Zion National Park to the Subway and the Narrows. Spent one of the hottest days since being in the truck ...
Turning 28 Again – Nikki’s Bahia Birthday (Sailing Curiosity, Ecuador)
We've just landed in Ecuador and it's Nikki's Birthday! Hoooray Party Time! Join our crew on Patreon and become a BIGGER part of the adventure: Get all the Details of our trip here:
ep10 – Sailing Tobago Cays – Sailing SVG – Hallberg-Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay – March 2018
After Petit St.Vincent, s/v Cloudy Bay spent 5 days in Tobago Cays Marine Park, which is a cluster of 5 tiny, uninhabited, cays, collectively sheltered from the open sea by the appropriately named Horseshoe Reef. Wildlife was amazing, the highlight being t...