Distant shores YouTube Videos
Showing 16-30 of 81 results

Distant Shores 4 update
Are you interested in the process of building a new custom aluminum sailboat? Thats what we're doing over the next year and we'll be filming the whole thing. Here's a quick update on the build of Distant Shores IV since we made the announcement at the Tor...
This Yacht is Sinking! Loading on a Ship for Yacht Transport, BRNKL review | Distant Shores
This time we save a boat from sinking in Panama, evaluate a boat monitoring system called BRNKL and load Distant Shores III onto a ship for yacht transport to her new owners. 00:00 Intro 00:29 Jungle hike 01:11 Boat monitoring system by BRNKL 02:48 Yacht ...
Final Cruise – Sailing San Blas Islands & Epsilon Anchor Test | Distant Shores
In this, our final cruise aboard our Southerly 480 sailboat, we test out the new Lewmar Epsilon anchor while we revisit the San Blas Islands of Panama, home of the Guna tribes, Panama’s indigenous people who still live in traditional ways. Even though it...
The Pioneers of Sailing Videos – Distant Shores Interview
How do you earn money from sailing videos? How has this changed over time with the new trends in Social Media and YouTube vs. Broadcast TV? Do you have any tips for those just starting out? I get a chance to sit down and chat with Paul and Sheryl Shard f...
Delos Tech Tour – Antigua to St Barts & Turtles
This time on Distant Shores sail from Antigua to Montserrat… Nevis… Statia and St Barts - and talk gadgets with Brian and Karin on SV Delos… 00:16 SV Delos Technical tour 03:40 SV Delos Electrical storage and generation Lithium Batteries 04:47 Delos...
Welcome to Distant Shores
Distant Shores is a sailing television series about the cruising life, with lots of tips for sailors planning to sail away plus destination information to help you make your cruising plans. We have been sailing and filming for over 30 years, and know the f...
Marine Power Solar System – Part 3
00:30 Solar Power 02:29 How much do you get from Solar Panels 03:22 Integrel On-Engine Generator 04:11 How it works. What if we don't motor anywhere? Do you want to understand marine power systems better? In this video series, we take you aboard our South...
Distant Shores Meets SV Delos
This time on Distant Shores we run our boat up on the beach in Antigua. We get invited to a pirate birthday party, change the zinc on our Varifold propeller and meet up with YouTubers aboard SV Delos. Drone footage beaching Distant Shores courtesy of SV D...
Sailing Rewind 2018 Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! The highlights of the first 4,000 miles of cruising aboard our new Southerly 480, Distant Shores III – England, Channel Islands, Portugal, Gibraltar, Spain (South Coast, Balearic Islands and Ceuta), Morocco, concluding in the Canary Islan...
Gibraltar to the Canary Islands
Mediterranean and Atlantic sailing! Cruise with us from Gibraltar to Ceuta on the North African Coast at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea before sailing to Tangier, Morocco, to explore the ancient medinas. Heading offshore, we face rough weather on th...
Mediterranean Adventure
We sail into the Mediterranean along the Spanish coast and then across to the Balearic Islands stopping at Ibiza, Formentera and Mallorca. We also meet up with YouTubers Nick and Terysa aboard Yacht Ruby Rose. •••••••••••••••...
Sailboat Generator Replacement
How can you get enough power for your sailboat? We have been doing practical testing for a new power generation system and show you how it works on our new Southerly 480 Distant Shores III. Also featured in this video: Triskel Marine: http://triskelmarin...
Sailing at Night
We show what its like to sail at night as we celebrate our 400th night at sea. Sail with us along the coast of Portugal towards Gibraltar. To capture the night images we used our Sony A7SII and a very fast 1.4 lens. Shots of Distant Shores III rounding...
Spring Line Docking Techniques
⛵️ Sail Away Weeks with Paul and Sheryl Shard 🏝 Join Paul and Sheryl for a sailing experience in the world’s top cruising destinations. Get an introduction to the sailing lifestyle, build new skills, make new like-minded friends! Cabins available ...