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Discovery 48 YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
If I could pick a boat for FREE this would be the ONE – Ep. 188 RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing
If I could pick a boat for FREE this would be the ONE – Ep. 188 RAN Sailing
If you like boat tours you’re in for a treat! In this episode, Johan takes you with him onboard 7 sailboats ranging from 35 to 54 feet at Boot Düsseldorf. We are a Swedish couple who have sailed the world since 2016 while sharing the adventures here on...
London Calling – Sailing up the River Thames
Distant Shores TV
London Calling – Sailing up the River Thames
Our first shakedown cruise on the new boat takes us from Southampton to London with stops in Brighton and Dover and concludes with a fascinating day navigating the shoals in the Thames Estuary and sailing up the River Thames to arrive at London’s Tower b...
New Sailboat Commissioning
Distant Shores TV
New Sailboat Commissioning
Getting all the systems up and running is our priority this week. Discovery Yachts need to perform an incline test and we film this. Next time we'll sail up the River Thames to London. •••••••••••••••••••••••â...
Launching in the Snow
Distant Shores TV
Launching in the Snow
Our new Southerly 480 sailboat is ready for the water! Distant Shores III is transported from the shipyard to Saxon Wharf to splash creating havoc with the traffic in downtown Southampton. Then it snows! The mast is stepped on the boat and Paul carries out...