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Dinghy theft YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Dinghy Security – How To Make Sure Your Dinghy and Outboard Engine are NOT Stolen
Dinghy Security – How To Make Sure Your Dinghy and Outboard Engine are NOT Stolen
This video is all about dinghy security. In the Caribbean, especially, dinghy theft is an issue. It's not so much the dinghy that thieves want, but the outboard. Simon covers three things you can do to ensure that your dinghy is safe. Additionally, he expl...
Leaving the dock – ICW journey from Merritt Island to Ft. Pierce to West Palm – Episode 4
Sailing One Life
Leaving the dock – ICW journey from Merritt Island to Ft. Pierce to West Palm – Episode 4
We leave Harbortown Marina, Merritt Island and journey down the ICW to West Palm, where we await our weather window to the Bahamas and experience our first dinghy dock. Want to help support our video productions? Join our One Life Crew here: https://www.p...
Dinghy Thieves. Adventures of an old Seadog
Adventures of an old Seadog
Dinghy Thieves. Adventures of an old Seadog
In this episode I deal with some people trying to steal my dinghy from a beach in Spain. I have the worst day being ill, get invaded with flies and repair a sail with glue!! At last Im on the authorised of the bay of Biscay in a town called Viverio in nort...