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Diesel heater YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 33 results
Keeping Warm on a Sailboat! DIY Salvaged Diesel Heater Install! (Sig Marine Dickinson) | A&J Sailing
Allison & James
Keeping Warm on a Sailboat! DIY Salvaged Diesel Heater Install! (Sig Marine Dickinson) | A&J Sailing
Allison and James share their journey of installing a Dickinson diesel heater on their sailboat before sailing to Alaska. Discover their unique DIY solutions for creating warmth during cold voyages.
Are We CRAZY?!! Giving Up Our Possessions, Jobs And Apartment! Sailor Barry & Hailly
Are We CRAZY?!! Giving Up Our Possessions, Jobs And Apartment! Sailor Barry & Hailly
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Season 2 is HERE! And this is the crazy story of how we got Thunder Child! Part One: Sett...
164 : Making our old project boat feel less dark and miserable.
Sailing Melody
164 : Making our old project boat feel less dark and miserable.
Thanks so much to Autoterm for sponsoring this video and providing the kit. To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go to and use promo code sailingmelody5% This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this b...
163 : How we will collect water OFFSHORE
Sailing Melody
163 : How we will collect water OFFSHORE
Thanks so much to Autoterm for sponsoring this video and providing the kit. To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go to and use promo code sailingmelody5% This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this b...
162 : Learning how to Fiberglass on our boat restoration project
Sailing Melody
162 : Learning how to Fiberglass on our boat restoration project
Thanks so much to Autoterm for sponsoring this video and providing the kit. To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go to and use promo code sailingmelody5% This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this b...
161 : Should I stay or should I go?  Is it time to leave?
Sailing Melody
161 : Should I stay or should I go? Is it time to leave?
Thanks so much to Autoterm for sponsoring this video and providing the kit. To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go to and use promo code sailingmelody5% This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this b...
160 : Making our 17K boat a home! We will no longer be freezing!
Sailing Melody
160 : Making our 17K boat a home! We will no longer be freezing!
Thanks so much to Autoterm for sponsoring this video and providing the kit. To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go to and use promo code sailingmelody5% This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this b...
New Channel Trailer 2022 – Plus change of Channel Name
Very Nearly About Sailing
New Channel Trailer 2022 – Plus change of Channel Name
It was time for a new Channel Trailer. The old one is well over 4 years old and there are now over 130 videos uploaded. I also decided to change the name of the channel. The old name, "Just About Sailing" was based on a joke when I sent a video to friends ...
How Much Food & Fuel Do We Need? [Ep. 63]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
How Much Food & Fuel Do We Need? [Ep. 63]
Our planned bluewater passage is 4000+ nautical miles to South America. We prepare for storms, big waves, and for cold weather sailing as we go across the Atlantic ocean, AGAIN! #sailing #prepping #diesel #bluewater 0:00 We say goodbye to our good friend...
Cleaning our Diesel Heater (League 46)
Sailing Octopodes
Cleaning our Diesel Heater (League 46)
We leave Vancouver and head to the sunshine coast. Our heater pars are in and im ready to get warmed up. We do a deep clean on our Diesel heater, and get it working again. The part of Bryce was played by Bryce Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for rea...
Our Heater Dies Just in Time for the Worst Storm of the Season! (League 45)
Sailing Octopodes
Our Heater Dies Just in Time for the Worst Storm of the Season! (League 45)
March 2021, False Creek: If you have been following our videos you know we have had a number of issues with our Hydronic Diesel heater. Well in this episode our heater goes out again, and Palle gets creative to fix it. Unfortunately it leads to a string o...
Tie everything down🌪 Winds of 60 knots are coming! – Ep. 248 RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing
Tie everything down🌪 Winds of 60 knots are coming! – Ep. 248 RAN Sailing
Join the RAN Sailing crew ~ for Q&A's, exclusive content, livestreams & more We are a Swedish couple who have sailed the world since 2016 while sharing the adventures here on YouTube. In 2019 our daughter was bor...
7°C/44°F in the boat is way TOO COLD 🥶 – Ep. 247 RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing
7°C/44°F in the boat is way TOO COLD 🥶 – Ep. 247 RAN Sailing
Join the RAN Sailing crew ~ for Q&A's, exclusive content, livestreams & more We are a Swedish couple who have sailed the world since 2016 while sharing the adventures here on YouTube. In 2019 our daughter was bor...
Our DIY Chinese Diesel Heater (Boat Installation)
Sailing Cadoha
Our DIY Chinese Diesel Heater (Boat Installation)
Join us as we attempt our very own DIY installation of a 'cheap' Chinese diesel heater into our 1980's sailing boat, which has never had any form of heating aboard. See how we get on, having never done anything like this before. THIS IS NOT A HOW TO VIDEO,...
Freezing! Keeping warm in Canada during the winter on a sailboat. (League 19)
Sailing Octopodes
Freezing! Keeping warm in Canada during the winter on a sailboat. (League 19)
Our first winter as liveaboards in Canada our diesel marine hydronic heating system broke. we have continued to expierence issues with it ever sense. check out the details in this week's episode. follow us on instagram @svoctopodes