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Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Sailboat salvage, Buying a salvage sailboat, Is it worth it? Part 2
Chasing Latitudes
Sailboat salvage, Buying a salvage sailboat, Is it worth it? Part 2
Salvage sailboats, are they worth it? where to buy them, how to buy them, what to expect, and some tips on how you can price them before bidding. This is part two of a two-part series If you do enjoy the videos please help me continue to make them as you...
Sailboat salvage, Buying a salvage sailboat, Is it worth it? Part 1
Chasing Latitudes
Sailboat salvage, Buying a salvage sailboat, Is it worth it? Part 1
Salvage sailboats, are they worth it? where to buy them, how to buy them, what to expect, and some tips on how you can price them before bidding. This is part two of a two-part series If you do enjoy the videos please help me continue to make them as your...