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Deepsea fishing YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Finally Sailing the Pacific Ocean on Panamas Pacific Coast | Episode 59
Finally Sailing the Pacific Ocean on Panamas Pacific Coast | Episode 59
On this episode of WE|Sail, we have been sailing the Caribbean for over a year, and now we finally sail Evolias into the Pacific Ocean where we will spent the next year sailing up the Pacific side of Panama, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Post Panama Canal...
Sailing & Diving in Roatan | Episode 46
Sailing & Diving in Roatan | Episode 46
We have a great overnight sail from Belize's Blue Hole to Roatan, Honduras where we will spend several relaxing days waiting for a weather window to carry us on towards Cartagena, Colombia. On our sail we land a beautiful yellow fin Tuna and have loads of ...
CPR on a boat [Sailing Zatara Ep 21]
Sailing Zatara
CPR on a boat [Sailing Zatara Ep 21]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: In this episode, we complete the hull repairs on the boat and take a CPR course in the meantime. (I have just been made aware of my AED mistake.....
Sailing Doodles – S1:E01
Sailing Doodles
Sailing Doodles – S1:E01
The first Episode documenting Bobby and his 2 labradoodles Maverick and Goose as they sail through the Caribbean and the world! In this episode we are still getting prepped to go and we find the boat that we are going to go sailing on! Help us name the bo...