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A New Life, A New Name (MJ Sailing -EP 22)
MJ Sailing
A New Life, A New Name (MJ Sailing -EP 22)
Daze Off is no longer. From here out our boat shall be named...... After holding on to this specific boat name for 9 years now, we are finally able to use it as we rename our boat. Going through a complete refit, it seems only fitting she comes out of i...
Nearing the End of Our 812 Days In the Work Yard (MJ Sailing – EP 21)
MJ Sailing
Nearing the End of Our 812 Days In the Work Yard (MJ Sailing – EP 21)
We're so close to getting in the water, and yet still so far. It's been a hectic time for us as we try to finish all the last projects before splashing. With our centerboard dropped we had the well soda blasted (even though I accidentally say sandblasted...
Welcome to the Boat Graveyard  (EP 1 – MJ Sailing)
MJ Sailing
Welcome to the Boat Graveyard (EP 1 – MJ Sailing)
Click subscribe to follow all our adventures. Please become a Patreon! Check out our previous sailing photos on Instagram: Our first entry in our video series after cruisi...