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Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 18 | From Sailor To Mandingo Warrior
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 18 | From Sailor To Mandingo Warrior
Not many people can go from sailor to Mandingo warrior, but in this episode you will see that one person can. And that is Peixe. A very special individual and friend. We start off from Tarafal de Mont Trige on the island of Santa Antao after a unsuccessful...
Thriller Flash Mob 2018! (Sailing Satori)
Sailing Satori
Thriller Flash Mob 2018! (Sailing Satori)
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: RELATED LINKS: While waiting out hurricane season in Luperon, Dominican Republic, we had the chance to gather fellow cruisers and perform Michael Jackson's Thriller! This...
The Making of Thriller – Flash Mob (Sailing Satori)
Sailing Satori
The Making of Thriller – Flash Mob (Sailing Satori)
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: RELATED LINKS: While waiting out hurricane season in Luperon, Dominican Republic, we had the chance to gather fellow cruisers and perform Michael Jackson's Thriller! Lo...