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Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Hard Times, We Lost Our Tender And Our Solar Panel!! Sailor Barry & Hailly
Hard Times, We Lost Our Tender And Our Solar Panel!! Sailor Barry & Hailly
Buy Us A Beer!!: Support: Patreon: PayPal: Ankerplex: Huge thank you to Ankerplex for the goods! Cannot wait to review them ...
Boat ANCHORS 101: How to Choose [Capable Cruising Guides]
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Boat ANCHORS 101: How to Choose [Capable Cruising Guides]
How do you choose the right anchor for your boat and sailing style? In this episode of the Capable Cruising Guide, Clark helps Day Sailors, Coastal Cruisers and Voyagers select the right anchoring gear. Covered in this video are: 1) Intro to the Capable ...
Ground Tackle — Sailing Uma [Step 41]
Sailing Uma
Ground Tackle — Sailing Uma [Step 41]
Time to get ready!!! Ready for what? Well to sail away of course. And that means there is a lot of preparation involved. We also take some time to talk about our anchors! We have a couple and we are happy to share our reasoning behind each of them as they ...