Corgi YouTube Videos
Showing 31-45 of 45 results

Sailing Wisdom: Cruiser Projects | Ep 21
Maddie Herby take down, flake, and drop off their mainsail for maintenance. Herby does some work on Tooth III, and Maddie reveals her secret for combatting seasickness! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: h...
Sailing Wisdom: Full Sail, Full Day! | Ep 20
Herby and Maddie give each other onboard haircuts before they set sail for an anchorage further up the river. They are then able to visit their other sailboat on the hard and pump him out. Follow us on Instagram: http://www...
Sailing Wisdom: Exercise and Rain | Ep 18
Herby and Maddie go for a jog and bike ride with Morty while they're close to land. They clean the deck and then use the following rainy day to collect rain water and relax. Follow us on Instagram:
Sailing Wisdom: DOLPHINS! | Ep 17
Maddie and Herby leave Easton and sail through calms and storms to get to South River. Along the way they see some wonderful things including a large pod of hunting dolphins! Follow us on Instagram:
Sailing Wisdom: Cruiser Errands | Ep 16
Maddie and Herby use the day for errands and Maddie gets a new (used) bike! Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Ben...
WE FOUND A DINGHY! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 15
A time lapse of Maddie's 2 hour plein air painting occurs. We look at a new dinghy and decide that it's the one for us! Herby talks about his feelings toward Tooth II. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website:...
Sailing Wisdom: Run Aground | Ep 13
Maddie and Herby leave Oxford and make their way up to Easton until they run aground in the Tred Avon River. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Be...
Sailing Wisdom: Fun in Harness Creek | Ep 8
Herby and Maddie spend the day anchored in Harness Creek. They finally sea trial Tooth II and spend the day with Herby's parents and friends. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: http://www.riggingdoctor....
Sailing Wisdom: Attack of the Flies | Ep 7
Wisdom is inundated with flies as Maddie and Herby make their way down to their favorite little creek I. South River. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provi...
Sailing Wisdom: Keel Art and Launching | Ep 5
Maddie paints a mural on the bottom of Wisdom, Herby gives a tour of Wisdom's synthetic standing rigging, and the boat is launched back into the water! More information: Chafe:
Sailing Wisdom: The Chesapeake Bay | Ep 2
Maddie and Herby make their way through the Chesapeake Bay as they head to Worton. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Bensound http://www.bensound....
Living on a Sailboat: Maddie’s haircut and Sammy’s Photo Shoot
Today was a special day, far from our normal routine. Sammy was included in a photography project and Maddie got her haircut. Photographer: Miisha Nash Project: Birdhouse Follow us on Instagram:
Living on a Sailboat: We Almost Sank
A plastic tee near the water heater broke and tap water began pouring into the boat, flooding everything! The electric motor, as well as all the batteries were completely submerged for hours. Thankfully, the high water pump was able to keep up with the in...
Living on a Sailboat: New Boat Bed Sheets
We got new sheets with hedgehogs on them! Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: