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Anchored in USVI during the Coronavirus situation.  Ep. 51 Hilma Sailing
Hilma Sailing
Anchored in USVI during the Coronavirus situation. Ep. 51 Hilma Sailing
Because of COVID-19 our plans have changed and we are now in U.S. Virigin Island. We did not plan to go here but we are very happy that we made it and we think a lot about all the sailors out there that are struggling to enter any country. We really hope t...
Daily life as a sailor, at American Samoa and Samoa, Ep 39 Hilma Sailing
Hilma Sailing
Daily life as a sailor, at American Samoa and Samoa, Ep 39 Hilma Sailing
Rain, maintaining, clearance, laundry, shopping and running around looking for things is a big part of a sailors life. Of course that is not what we like the most but it is necessary, even in nice places like American Samoa and Samoa. :) We hope you find t...
Strong winds and a letter of warning in the Cook Islands
Hilma Sailing
Strong winds and a letter of warning in the Cook Islands
Our feelings about the Cook Islands are a bit torn. Aitutaki was beautiful! So was Rarotonga, but because of all the bureaucracy we did not see much and basically just wanted to sail away from that port as fast as possible. We even got a letter of warning...
Tricky navigation and the most narrow pass ever, into Maupihaa atoll, Ep 34 Hilma Sailing
Hilma Sailing
Tricky navigation and the most narrow pass ever, into Maupihaa atoll, Ep 34 Hilma Sailing
According to the charts the water around Bora Bora were to shallow for us but we wanted to go to the other side to snorkel so we tried anyway.The tiny passage into Maupihaa was scary! 1 knots one way, 11 knots the other way but we made it and we loved that...
Eaten Alive in Guna Yala (San Blas) – Ep. 83 RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing
Eaten Alive in Guna Yala (San Blas) – Ep. 83 RAN Sailing
Guna Yala in Panama is a complete different world and we're so happy to be able to experience it with RAN. After doing the whole clearance procedure in Puerto Obaldía we head to our first anchorage next to a Guna village in the remote Darien Gap. The peop...
Ep.25 We lock the door for the last time! Time for boat life – Carl and Jenny Sailing
Carl and Jenny
Ep.25 We lock the door for the last time! Time for boat life – Carl and Jenny Sailing
This episode is a bit longer than normal. We cover the last two weeks of selling up our house and packing to completely change our lifestyle to become liveaboards on our Bavaria yacht. You will see what 30 yrs of loft contents and 18 yrs of garage contents...