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Chris Parker YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
First-Time Cruiser Q&A – Planning Bahamas Trip with Rudy and Carol
Emily & Clark's Adventure
First-Time Cruiser Q&A – Planning Bahamas Trip with Rudy and Carol
We traveled to St. Augustine this week to chat with our friends, Rudy and Carol, and answer their questions about sailing to the Bahamas for the first time. Questions covered in this video include: How do we get to the Bahamas from Florida? - For more inf...
Sailing to Bonaire: Goodbye North America! [Ep 22]
Sailing Zatara
Sailing to Bonaire: Goodbye North America! [Ep 22]
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: As we left St. Maarten we decided to bypass the rest of the Caribbean Islands, and head south 500nm to Bonaire. In this episode, we discuss what ...