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Chichime YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
You, Me, and a Coconut Tree: A 7 Day Affair! SV Delos Ep 362
Sailing SV Delos
You, Me, and a Coconut Tree: A 7 Day Affair! SV Delos Ep 362
If you had a week to spend on a Deserted Island what would you do? We anchor Delos at the incredible uninhabited Coco Bandero Cays, San Blas, Panama and make a plan to sink into the sand for the next week or so. We begin by exploring the beach, meeting t...
Mono Vs Cat (Amel Cruiser vs Lagoon 450)- SV Delos Ep 361
Sailing SV Delos
Mono Vs Cat (Amel Cruiser vs Lagoon 450)- SV Delos Ep 361
How does a big ole' cruising ketch match up against a production catamaran? We meet up with our buddy Colin from @ParlayRevival in San Blas, Panama for a weekend of messing around in boats. When two boats and crews get together it's always a race, and i...
A Canadian Ferry Wrecked in Panama?  Chichime, San Blas  SV Delos Ep 360
Sailing SV Delos
A Canadian Ferry Wrecked in Panama? Chichime, San Blas SV Delos Ep 360
We make it to the paradise of San Blas, Panama and promptly consider never leaving! Our first stop in this incredible spot is Cayos Chichime, where we immediately head into the beach to stretch our legs. We find swaying palm trees, golden colored beaches...
Um Dia na Vida a Bordo – Unforgettable Sailing (Ep.77)
Unforgettable Sailing
Um Dia na Vida a Bordo – Unforgettable Sailing (Ep.77)
O que voce faz entre o raiar do dia e o anoitecer? No episódio de hoje mostramos pra vocês um dia qualquer em uma ancoragem. Conheça em detalhes os pequenos prazeres e desafios da nossa rotina enquanto cruzeirando pela magnifica San Blás. Neste epis...