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Cheap housing YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
CHEAP Alternative Living in our Tiny Floating Home // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 15
Blue Moon Life
CHEAP Alternative Living in our Tiny Floating Home // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 15
In this video we discuss the cheap cost of living on a sailboat. We have found this lifestyle to be surprisingly affordable.
Super CHEAP Living in the Caribbean Ep 94
Bums on a Boat
Super CHEAP Living in the Caribbean Ep 94
As Bums on a Boat, we're all about cheap living and tiny houses. This place has the best location in town with Wi-Fi, water, and electiricty ALL INCLUDED for the low price of just $** a month!! Did I mention we're living in the Caribbean ! For more Bum...