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Cheap boat YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 22 results
Our FIRST Good Deed of the year, anchor fixing… and an UNEXPECTED mess! S3 Ep.6
Good Deeds Sailing
Our FIRST Good Deed of the year, anchor fixing… and an UNEXPECTED mess! S3 Ep.6
In this episode we set out to clean up a local grass verge, add some much needed anchor chain and somehow we end up in a hilariously messy situation. Join us as we do our part to keep the environment clean, and get hands on with some essential boat work, c...
From Porquerolles to Hyeres and Christmas aboard our 31ft SAILBOAT. S3 Ep.5
Good Deeds Sailing
From Porquerolles to Hyeres and Christmas aboard our 31ft SAILBOAT. S3 Ep.5
In a month of December we move our boat from the island of Porquerolles to Hyeres to obtain spares for our broken engine. While there we take a train to Toulon and visit the Christmas market. Two of our very first subscribers and now good friends, Rod and ...
Our FAILED crossing to Corsica. ENGINE FAILURE at night in 4m waves! S3 Ep.4
Good Deeds Sailing
Our FAILED crossing to Corsica. ENGINE FAILURE at night in 4m waves! S3 Ep.4
After reaching Porquerolles we decide to head for Corsica, our longest passage so far. 34 nautical miles and 7,5 hrs later the weather conditions force us to turn around and head back to the marina. On the way back in rough seas our engine fails and we ar...
EQUIPMENT and ITEMS needed for the FRENCH CANALS and waterways 2025.
Good Deeds Sailing
EQUIPMENT and ITEMS needed for the FRENCH CANALS and waterways 2025.
In this episode we go through the equipment and items needed for the French Canals and waterways. Thank you to all our subscribers, our lovely Good Deeders :) Please like, share, comment, we love your feedback. Please support us by: buying us a coffee on...
SAILING EAST and  exploring Porquerolles. S3 Ep.3
Good Deeds Sailing
SAILING EAST and exploring Porquerolles. S3 Ep.3
We leave Bandol Bay from where we sail east along the Mediterranean coast of France to beautiful island of Porquerolles. Where we explore and go wild mushroom picking for our supper. Thank you to all our subscribers, our lovely Good Deeders :) Please like...
Dodging HUGE driftwood we find another FREE mooring and visit Mystical Viviers. S2 Ep.23
Good Deeds Sailing
Dodging HUGE driftwood we find another FREE mooring and visit Mystical Viviers. S2 Ep.23
Cruising down the river Rhone in our liveaboard Westerly Berwick, dodging huge driftwood, we find another free mooring and visit enchanting Viviers. Thank you to all our subscribers, our lovely Good Deeders :) Please like, share, comment, we love your fe...
Cruising SOUTH along the River Rhone. S2 Ep.22
Good Deeds Sailing
Cruising SOUTH along the River Rhone. S2 Ep.22
Heading south along the river Rhone we find another free mooring where we fix our mast trestle and our boat gets surrounded by debris. Entering a lock behind a large passenger cruiser we get thrown about by the wake from it's huge propellors. Thank you ...
CARRY ON CRUISING the French Canals, WE ARE GETTING CLOSER to the Med! S2 EP.21
Good Deeds Sailing
CARRY ON CRUISING the French Canals, WE ARE GETTING CLOSER to the Med! S2 EP.21
Cruising the French canals, free mooring at Lyon before we join the river Rhone and search for our next stop in the dark. On our journey through the French canals we take a break and visit Chalon-sur-Saone. Reaching a lock that is closed for a public holi...
LIVEABOARD: Exploring Chalon-sur-Saone and we make a NEW friend. S2 Ep.20
Good Deeds Sailing
LIVEABOARD: Exploring Chalon-sur-Saone and we make a NEW friend. S2 Ep.20
On our journey through the French canals we take a break and visit Chalon-sur-Saone. Reaching a lock that is closed for a public holiday, we make a new friend. Thank you to all our subscribers, our lovely Good Deeders :) Please like, share, comment, we l...
BOAT REFIT REGRETS AND MISTAKES! (After 4 Months Living on the Water and Sailing)
Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
BOAT REFIT REGRETS AND MISTAKES! (After 4 Months Living on the Water and Sailing)
Want Real-Time Updates?! Support our channel! Would you like to buy us a beer or one time gift Check out our amazon store front to see products from our refit, camera gear we use, an...
How much did it cost to make a $5k boat look like a $100k yacht?
Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
How much did it cost to make a $5k boat look like a $100k yacht?
Want Real-Time Updates?! Support our channel! Would you like to buy us a beer or one time gift Check out our amazon store front to see products from our refit, camera gear we use, an...
Sailing Without Much Money – (Living off-grid in the best places!) ⛵️☺️
Sailing Cadoha
Sailing Without Much Money – (Living off-grid in the best places!) ⛵️☺️
Sailing to beautiful destinations and living on a sail boat full time, without much money, involves being frugal and trying to be more self reliant. However, it is possible to sail without much money and live in all the best places with millionaires as you...
The Marina KICKED US OUT! Maiden Voyage on One Engine
Tula's Endless Summer
The Marina KICKED US OUT! Maiden Voyage on One Engine
We can't get on the boat until we own the boat.. As soon as we own the boat we need to be OUT! This is definitely not the ideal situation. The engines haven't been run in years and we would have ideally spent a few days making sure all the systems worked ...
WE BOUGHT A BOAT for $100 43′ DeFever TRAWLER
Tula's Endless Summer
WE BOUGHT A BOAT for $100 43′ DeFever TRAWLER
Our number one requirement to purchase this boat was that the engines needed to run. Well... we got them going so now we are $100 poorer and proud new owners of a 1978 43' DeFever Trawler. We go over why we think this boat is worth it and bring you with ...
Should We Buy this Boat for $100?
Tula's Endless Summer
Should We Buy this Boat for $100?
Our life is a little in limbo with the delay of our catamaran which also doubles as our home, office, and means to make video content... So why not explore yet another project boat?? ARE WE CRAZY?? Today we bring you with us on a tour of a boat that is bei...