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Chartwork YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Ep.4  No sailing today so lets do some chart work – Carl & Jenny
Carl and Jenny
Ep.4 No sailing today so lets do some chart work – Carl & Jenny
Join us on a trip up to our sailing club at Carsington water. A couple of days later we plan to go for a sail, but due to no wind and heavy rain we decide to spend the time doing some chartwork for Jenny's dayskipper training. Please subscribe to our cha...
Carl & Jenny – Join us on our sailing adventures – Trailer
Carl and Jenny
Carl & Jenny – Join us on our sailing adventures – Trailer
Hi and welcome to our YouTube channel. We (Carl and Jenny) will be starting a new chapter in our lives starting in 2017 when we will be selling up, buying our live aboard yacht and setting off for a life on the ocean wave. Join us on our adventures before...
Ep.3  Becalmed on the Lake – No wind sailing – Carl & jenny
Carl and Jenny
Ep.3 Becalmed on the Lake – No wind sailing – Carl & jenny
A day out again for Jenny to practice her boat handling skills, turned out to be a tea drinking, sunbathing afternoon. No wind once we got out on the water. A nice day all the same though. Click on the subscribe button and keep up with the lead up to us b...