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Channel Islands California YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Summer Sailstice 2021
Sailing Avocet
Summer Sailstice 2021
What better way to celebrate the longest day of the year than with your best buddies out on the water? Chris and I were honored to be ambassadors for the 2021 Summer Sailstice and organized a fun crew to join us on a quick weekend jaunt to Santa Cruz Islan...
Sailing Avocet | Birthday BASH at Santa Cruz Island
Sailing Avocet
Sailing Avocet | Birthday BASH at Santa Cruz Island
Chris and I were born one week and four days apart, me being the eldest despite general assumptions. To commemorate our circumnavigation around the sun we decided to take the week off and have a "birthday bash" at Santa Cruz Island! Adding some “specialâ...
Sailing Avocet | Working Hard to RELAX at Santa Cruz Island
Sailing Avocet
Sailing Avocet | Working Hard to RELAX at Santa Cruz Island
After an entire year of nonstop boat work, we finally made our grand escape to Santa Cruz Island to celebrate our hard work and finally relax. We honestly didn't film much this trip since we wanted to take it easy but a camera always finds its way into our...
Sailing Vessel Triteia – Sailing through fog from Little Scorpion Anchorage to Catalina Island
Sailing Triteia
Sailing Vessel Triteia – Sailing through fog from Little Scorpion Anchorage to Catalina Island
| Season 2 | Episode 23 | On this episode I haul up for the last time on Santa Cruz Island and make my way for Two Harbors on Catalina Island, a distance of 64 nm. I was able to sail for the first six hours of the passage and even though much of it was t...