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Challenger vlog YouTube Videos

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
BALANCE BOARD CHALLENGE – who can stay longer on the balance board? (TSF Challenger Vlog #5)
The Sailing Family
BALANCE BOARD CHALLENGE – who can stay longer on the balance board? (TSF Challenger Vlog #5)​ - Hello and welcome to our TSF Challenger Vlog #5: "Balance board challenge - who can stay longer on the balance board?". This was a really nice challenge and some of us learned new skills... If you are here for the firs...
ICE TUB CHALLENGE – who can stay longer? (TSF Challenger Vlog #4)
The Sailing Family
ICE TUB CHALLENGE – who can stay longer? (TSF Challenger Vlog #4)​ - Hello and welcome to our TSF Challenger Vlog #34: "Ice tub challenge - who can stay longer?". This was a really hard challenge and in the end only 2 people were able to compete... If you are here for the first time I w...
Eat only Green Veggies for 1 Week – who can do it? (TSF Challenger Vlog #3)
The Sailing Family
Eat only Green Veggies for 1 Week – who can do it? (TSF Challenger Vlog #3) - Hello and welcome to our TSF Challenger Vlog #3: "Eat only Green Veggies for 1 Week - who can do it?". If you are here for the first time I will give you a short introduction. We are a family of 4 - my sister Alina - sh...
20 $ Food Budget for 1 Week – who can do it?  (TSF Challenger Vlog #2)
The Sailing Family
20 $ Food Budget for 1 Week – who can do it? (TSF Challenger Vlog #2) - Hello and welcome to our TSF Challenger Vlog #2: "20 $ Food Budget for 1 Week - who can do it?". If you are here for the first time I will give you a short introduction. We are a family of 4 - my sister Alina - she is 2...
5 Week Family Challenge & You can Take Part and Win $$$
The Sailing Family
5 Week Family Challenge & You can Take Part and Win $$$ - Hello and welcome to our first Challenger Vlog of the Sailing Family. If you are here for the first time I will give you a short introduction. We are a family of 4 - my sister Alina - she is 20, my mum Suu, my Dad Klau...
What happened to The Sailing Family in the last 2 years (part #2) (The Sailing Family) Ep.82
The Sailing Family
What happened to The Sailing Family in the last 2 years (part #2) (The Sailing Family) Ep.82 - In this video we will give you an overview what has happened since our last one year sailing adventure - this is part#2. 2 years have passed already and a lot of things happened. We also give you an idea what we have plane...