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Cbsa reporting station YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Sailing the San Juan Islands & BC’s Gulf Islands: A Cruising Comparison  |  Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing the San Juan Islands & BC’s Gulf Islands: A Cruising Comparison | Sailing SV Indigo
As we sail both sets of islands, crossing the international border, we look at what makes Washington's San Juan Islands and BC's Gulf Islands so different, and similar, to each other for cruising.
How We Sailed Our Boat Backwards Into Canada  |  Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing SV Indigo
How We Sailed Our Boat Backwards Into Canada | Sailing SV Indigo
As we sail north to British Columbia, our boat, somehow, gets so turned around that we literally sail it backwards across the border into Canada. Friends Cheryl and Garth join us for the passage from Seattle to check in to Canada at Bedwell Harbour on BC's...
Sailing BC’s Gulf Islands | Bedwell Harbour, Ganges, Winter Cove
Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing BC’s Gulf Islands | Bedwell Harbour, Ganges, Winter Cove
When we left the San Juan Islands to check in to Canada, we had no idea that Canadian border agents soon would be tracking us down, following our every move. Join us as we sail and explore British Columbia's southern Gulf Islands ~ Pender Island, Saturna I...