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Cattle YouTube Videos

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Ep 215 | Pioneer Tales and a Dash for the Northern Territory Border, Australian Road Trip
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 215 | Pioneer Tales and a Dash for the Northern Territory Border, Australian Road Trip
We leave Broome and begin the long journey to Darwin. We’re in a bit of a hurry because we’ve got to make it through the Western Australia border before the chance of an outbreak of COVID in Queensland, which will put us into instant quarantine in Wes...
Australia to England – Ep1 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Australia to England – Ep1 Narrowboat Travels. Life in a Nutshell
E1 Weekly Blog of our narrowboat travels. After years of thinking about traveling the canals of England, we have finally done it. We bought a narrowboat. We sold all our cattle, turned the water off and locked the front gate at the farm. Then hopped onto t...