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Catana YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
2022 Bali 4.2 Catamaran tour
Sailing Doodles
2022 Bali 4.2 Catamaran tour
I give you an indepth look at the Bali 4.2 Catamaran from that we are sailing around the Abacos on our patron flotilla. This channel is funded by viewers like you. Please help us keep this channel creating great content ...
POWER vs SAIL CATAMARAN Pros & Cons / Liveaboard Charter Sailing Yacht Tour Motor Boat Comparison
POWER vs SAIL CATAMARAN Pros & Cons / Liveaboard Charter Sailing Yacht Tour Motor Boat Comparison
First off, Happy Holidays Everyone! To Celebrate, we are doing our Annual NAUTI & NICE GIVEAWAY! Watch the Video to see the 10 prices you can WIN!!! How to ENTER and the RULES*: - - Follow the simple steps - Thatâ€...
The Best Performance Cruising Cat!?!?! A side-by-side comparison with pictures
The Sailing Family
The Best Performance Cruising Cat!?!?! A side-by-side comparison with pictures
On our quest for the "best cruising cat" we looked at several models that fell squarely in the Bluewater Cruising category. In this video we share why we ended up with the Outremer and take an in depth look at the other boats we considered. We include com...
Buying a cat was harder than we thought…
The O'Kelly's
Buying a cat was harder than we thought…
Conversion for cruising: Boat tour: 5 deals, 4 surveys, almost a year of shopping to find our current boat. We learned a lot! iTunes Podcast: