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Catamaran restoration YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 145 results
YANK IT like a ROTTEN TOOTH | SailAway 304
SailAway World Sailing
YANK IT like a ROTTEN TOOTH | SailAway 304
The ENGINE is COMING OUT! Our SEIZED PORT ENGINE is our largest project for the boat yard. And today we're FINALLY getting started on it. First things first, a LARGE ENGINE has to fit through a SMALL HATCH. But before the main event, we're diving into tons...
HAULING OUT a 48′ CAT on a TRAILER | SailAway 303
SailAway World Sailing
HAULING OUT a 48′ CAT on a TRAILER | SailAway 303
NO MORE TRAVEL LIFT! Our CATAMARAN gets a RIDE on a CUSTOM TRAILER designed specifically for HAUL OUT. It's a pretty ingenious device and unlike anything we've ever personally seen. Now if I can just drive the cat onto it without damage! Enjoy!! And be su...
Ready Or Not The BOAT WORK BEGINS | SailAway 302
SailAway World Sailing
Ready Or Not The BOAT WORK BEGINS | SailAway 302
We NARROWLY made it to Trinidad IN ONE PIECE. But our FIX-IT LIST won't wait. Our BROKEN STEERING CABLE is top of the list, because our haul-out is fast approaching. And then it's full speed ahead - BOAT YARD BLITZ! Enjoy!! And be sure to SUBSCRIBE for WE...
Steering Cable FAILURE at the WORST TIME | SailAway 301
SailAway World Sailing
Steering Cable FAILURE at the WORST TIME | SailAway 301
Our STEERING FAILED and we were MINUTES from being BASHED UPON THE ROCKS. With a HUGE FOLLOWING SEA and STRONG WINDS, we had mere minutes to save EVERYTHING we have. It was literally the scariest thing we've ever endured. See what steps we took with only s...
Preparing To Sail In PIRATE Territory | SailAway 300
SailAway World Sailing
Preparing To Sail In PIRATE Territory | SailAway 300
ACTS of PIRACY have been reported for YEARS near VENEZUELA. We sail for TRINIDAD in a FEW DAYS, only a few miles from the VENEZUELAN COAST. But all we can do for now is prepare like usual and try to plan the safest route possible. Is it a realistic concern...
ONE Engine Is Better Than NONE! | SailAway 299
SailAway World Sailing
ONE Engine Is Better Than NONE! | SailAway 299
We have some BIG NEWS that has gotten our WHEELS TURNING AGAIN! We've been a bit inactive on YouTube lately as we sit in holding pattern, simply working for a living as we wait on news of our NEW (to us) ENGINE. Now it suddenly time to get this boat ready...
NOTHING’S CHANGED – Except Our Minds | SailAway 298
SailAway World Sailing
NOTHING’S CHANGED – Except Our Minds | SailAway 298
If there's anything the SAILING LIFE has taught us, it's how to PIVOT. We've made a lot of BIG DECISIONS through the years, but likely none AS BIG as THIS ONE. We can only hope it's the RIGHT decision and plow forward FULL STEAM. Enjoy!! And be sure to...
Here’s To HOPIN’ Our Boat’s Still FLOATIN’! | SailAway 297
SailAway World Sailing
Here’s To HOPIN’ Our Boat’s Still FLOATIN’! | SailAway 297
A MONTH! By far the longest we've ever left Ophelia AND IN THE WATER to boot. Even with good friends keeping an eye out, there's no telling what issues may have developed while we were gone. After a LAST GASP of fun with our families and friends, it's t...
Home AWAY From Home | SailAway 296
SailAway World Sailing
Home AWAY From Home | SailAway 296
It's been SO LONG since we both visited friends and family in the U.S. FINALLY, we're flying back for a full MONTH to catch up, decompress, and enjoy a little holiday cheer. But leaving the boat behind is stressful stuff...and so is a 17-hour travel day!...
Better To BE DRAGGED Than To DRAG | SailAway 295
SailAway World Sailing
Better To BE DRAGGED Than To DRAG | SailAway 295
PROBLEMS = DRASTIC PLAN CHANGES. We were ALL SET (sorta) to SAIL TO ST. MARTIN to catch our flight BACK TO THE U.S., but our engine had different ideas. So we scramble for a NEW PLAN. Such is life aboard. Enjoy! And be sure to SUBSCRIBE for WEEKLY CON...
ANOTHER Motor DOWN? | SailAway 294
SailAway World Sailing
ANOTHER Motor DOWN? | SailAway 294
The perfect time for a CRITICAL ISSUE with our ONE RUNNING MOTOR. We're just trying to LEAVE GRENADA. We have a plane to catch to the US in less than TWO WEEKS in ST. MARTIN. We have drastic plans to get TWO GOOD MOTORS back in this boat. We just have...
WELCOME to the JUNGLE! – Our Favorite Grenada Pastime | SailAway 293
SailAway World Sailing
WELCOME to the JUNGLE! – Our Favorite Grenada Pastime | SailAway 293
HASH TIME! In ALL the islands we've traveled, this is OUR FAVORITE LOCAL PASTIME. It's not our first. We've done MANY in years past and EVERY SINGLE ONE is different. Come see what the HASH HOUSE HARRIERS is all about. Enjoy!! And be sure to SUBSCRIBE...
A Scooter with GUSTO – iEnyrid M4PRO S+ | SailAway Review
SailAway World Sailing
A Scooter with GUSTO – iEnyrid M4PRO S+ | SailAway Review
This GO ANYWHERE scooter has serious power and speed for a GREAT price. But like all of these things, there are some quirks. Check out ALL the pros and cons. HERE! Enjoy!! And be sure to SUBSCRIBE for WEEKLY CONTENT EVERY SUNDAY! Cheers!! Thanks for ...
SURVIVING the HEAT in Prickly Bay | SailAway 292
SailAway World Sailing
SURVIVING the HEAT in Prickly Bay | SailAway 292
The HOTTEST MONTH we've ever experienced in GRENADA. But we've found relief in PRICKLY BAY because here we have so many OPTIONS, not just to cool down, but to make everyday life so much better. Let us SHOW YOU AROUND! Enjoy!! And be sure to SUBSCRIBE f...
When The GROCERIES Get Tough, The Tough Get NACHOS | SailAway 291
SailAway World Sailing
When The GROCERIES Get Tough, The Tough Get NACHOS | SailAway 291
HURRICANE SEASON on a SAILBOAT is a tricky thing, even AFTER you've reached the relative safety of GRENADA. Especially after four previous seasons here, even a couple months in the same spot feels like a LONG time. But we've figured out a few tricks to m...