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Cartagena de Indias YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Colombia’s Busiest Anchorage – Ep. 76 RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing
Colombia’s Busiest Anchorage – Ep. 76 RAN Sailing
We think we have found Colombia's busiest anchorage! Cartagena de Indias use to be South Americas biggest and most important port. Nowadays it's a convenient stop for cruisers on the way towards Panama. We boat-sit our friend's catamaran, a Leopard 40, and...
Becoming Catamaran Liveaboards – Ep. 75 RAN Sailing
RAN Sailing
Becoming Catamaran Liveaboards – Ep. 75 RAN Sailing
For the first time we get to experience life aboard a catamaran! We take the bus to Cartagena to boat-sit our friends Leopard 40. But before leaving Santa Marta we take you around and show you the mother of Colombian churches and we’re the Latin American...
Traveling Colombia: Cartagena is SO pretty – UNTIE THE LINES II #10
Traveling Colombia: Cartagena is SO pretty – UNTIE THE LINES II #10
On my own again...and first thing on the list: do a tour around the old town on my Brompton bike! Come and check out the beautiful Cartagena with me! And of course, I won't spare you the real fun: some more boat refit projects! Enjoy, ahoy and thanks for...