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Cap rail YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Ain’t No Second Like The LAST Second! Major Repairs Under Way! Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 16!
Ain’t No Second Like The LAST Second! Major Repairs Under Way! Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 16!
Support: Patreon: PayPal: Sailor Barry & Hailly Episode 16! Crunch mode getting ready for the boat show! Http:// - Barry Http://
HULL TO DECK JOINT REPAIR | PART 2: Remove Hardware & Stop Leaks With Epoxy | Sailboat Story 199
Sailboat Story
HULL TO DECK JOINT REPAIR | PART 2: Remove Hardware & Stop Leaks With Epoxy | Sailboat Story 199
Work continues on our leaky hull to deck joint as we do battle with 5200, contort our bodies to remove hard-to-reach sailing hardware, and ultimately stop the leaks using neat epoxy. Along the way we discover that's it's entirely possible for a person to ...
HULL TO DECK JOINT REPAIR | PART 1: Ripping Up 90ft Of Teak Cap Rail | Sailboat Story 198
Sailboat Story
HULL TO DECK JOINT REPAIR | PART 1: Ripping Up 90ft Of Teak Cap Rail | Sailboat Story 198
The hull to deck joint on our sailboat is very leaky so we are about to embark on the most in-depth boat project we've ever taken on. The teak cap rail has to be removed to access the hull to deck joint which will need to be thoroughly cleaned of 45 year o...
Atticus Update 37: Steam Bending Wood
Sailing Project Atticus
Atticus Update 37: Steam Bending Wood
Yeeeehhaaaaa! Check out our hillbilly Atticus steam box! This is the first step in bending our new teak cap rails.