Cameraphone YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 20 results

Episode 48 Exploring New Anchorages with 40+ knots of wind!
Hope you enjoy this episode as we explore the Beautiful rugged, quiet and rural coast line near Cabo De Gata in Spain. We go for big treks, wonderful snorkelling with masses of sea life and some great sails, coast in to San Jose on 35 knots and sit out 45 ...
Episode 47 – Boat Life and Exploring for the Pickle Family!
After a nice but tiring long sail back from Melilla In Morocco, Africa we are thoroughly enjoy the change of scenery and tranquility. Trekking hill tops, finding geckos and practicing my karate kid moves is just part of good old boat life. Jump abroad and ...
Episode 46 – Bumpy Sailing from Africa to Cabo De Gata, Spain.
We have an exhilarating start to our sail back across the Mediterranean sea, strong winds and big swells make life lots of fun and rather bumpy. It's not long though and we can shake the reefed sails out as the winds lighten and enjoy the biggest pod of do...
Ep 45 We get Escorted by the Guardia into Melilla Marina!
We have a fabulous day sailing the local Melilla coast line, enjoying the peace and quiet and sunshine of beautiful Morocco. Then one evening we have another visit from the Guardia...this is becoming a habit ;-) they escort us into the Marina and we have t...
Ep 44 Sailing and Skinny dipping Adventures Along the African Coast
After strong winds and a swelly day at anchor we have a stolen tender and quite an exciting few days! We catch a baby barracuda, make yummy boat bread, have a wonderful sail to a stunning little cove, where we can chill out in the beautiful Moroccan sunshi...
Episode 43 Dinghy Ashore to Explore Melilla
We have so much fun this episode! We explore Old Town, New Town, hidden little fortifications and enjoy beautiful restaurants. After finding the elusive and stunning cove, we get more than we bargain for when we order local fish of the day! Join us next t...
Episode 42 – A Pirate Encounter Sailing to Africa!
We are free... Sailing the beautiful Mediterranean Sea! After weeks of work and turmoil we finally drop our lines, lose sight of land and sail our way across to Melilla, in Morocco. About a third of the way across as night fell, we become aware of a very ...
Episode 41 – Scrubbing Antifoul and We Sail to Africa!
I can't quite believe it we have finally finished the major boat jobs...We're going sailing!!! After a lovely night at anchor and some serious scrubbing of antifoul, we have a bit of fun with friends then head off to Northern Africa. Morocco was calling, ...
Episode 40 Windlass Stripdown then Rebuild and Test Sails!
Sorry for the long one folks! This episode sees us stripping down the Windlass and going through the arduous process of a rebuild, it isn't completely foobarred but its quite a mission to find the right parts and get it rebuilt and back on deck! So glad we...
Episode 38 – She’s Always Flipping Naked on the Boat! Skinny Dipping and Solar Panel Solutions!
Well you'll love this one! We finally solve our on going problem with our solar panels, which has blighted us for to long to admit! And as usual Nicky's Naked! She's skinny dipping and swimming naked and then I catch her, bum out up the back frame and stic...
Ep 37 We Finally Fix Our Risk of Sinking Windows Problem!
This episode we have to move our little home from the Marina to moor along side a fishing boat wall! We couldn't get the marina to agree to us being lifted out for long enough to do all the windows, the pontoons were all to high and we can't reach from a d...
Episode 35 We start boat jobs but life takes over RIP Boza
This episode was extremely hard to make, there is lots of boat jobs to get on with and we are as busy as always but its been a tough few weeks, I keep my chin up and positive for my family but my sadness over losing Boza is like a black whole in the pit of...
Episode 34 – Our First Week Back on Our Sail Boat after Covid Lockdown!
We risked everything to get back to our beloved Pickle! We travelled 1000's of kms and scorching temperatures in a old banged out Spainish car, but it was so worth it, and it feels amazing to finally be back! Its the height of Summer and it takes a few day...
Episode 33 – Borders are Open!! We’re going back to Pickle!
It has been FOREVER!!! We have been in lockdown and locked OUT of Spain for mouths now, so the weekend the borders reopen we make a dash for it! We pack up catch a ferry quick sharpish then travel across france and Spain to reach our beloved Pickle, we hav...