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Boatjobs YouTube Videos

Showing 16-25 of 25 results
Episode 43   Dinghy Ashore to Explore Melilla
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 43 Dinghy Ashore to Explore Melilla
We have so much fun this episode! We explore Old Town, New Town, hidden little fortifications and enjoy beautiful restaurants. After finding the elusive and stunning cove, we get more than we bargain for when we order local fish of the day! Join us next t...
Ep 39 – Boat Batteries, Alternator Installation, delayed by Windlass! And freedom to swim topless!
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 39 – Boat Batteries, Alternator Installation, delayed by Windlass! And freedom to swim topless!
The lovely new batteries finally turn up, so we do a full battery installation and also upgrade our alternator, pulley's and belts to match the power. It all takes quite a bit of programming and general messing about! We are itching to go sailing but we ke...
WE GOT A 3RD CREW MEMBER exciting news S1CH.4
Slim & Soph - Sailing Nakama
WE GOT A 3RD CREW MEMBER exciting news S1CH.4
We have very exciting news this week. After servicing a winch, cutting Slims hair we finally received something we have been considering to get for a long time, we couldn't be more stoked for all the possibilities it will provide us with. Hopefully this is...
Episode 38 – She’s Always Flipping Naked on the Boat! Skinny Dipping and Solar Panel Solutions!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 38 – She’s Always Flipping Naked on the Boat! Skinny Dipping and Solar Panel Solutions!
Well you'll love this one! We finally solve our on going problem with our solar panels, which has blighted us for to long to admit! And as usual Nicky's Naked! She's skinny dipping and swimming naked and then I catch her, bum out up the back frame and stic...
Episode 36   A day off from boat jobs, Exploring Andalusia
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 36 A day off from boat jobs, Exploring Andalusia
So we have finally put this old Spanish car to some good use and went off for the day trekking across the beautiful Tabernas mountains and desert . We visited the stunning Cabo de Gata National Park, Lighthouse, secret hidden coves and the cute and tiny v...
Episode 24   Our Windows Pop Off after Sailing!! and we visit beautiful Lisbon
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 24 Our Windows Pop Off after Sailing!! and we visit beautiful Lisbon
We motor into Cascais Marina for one nights stay and discover our hull windows, which were done by a so called profesional company, have popped off!!! You can imagine our horror! Chris attempts a temporary fix to hold them on until we get more product and ...
Sailing Two Get Lost
What is life aboard a sailboat in a liveaboard marina really like? We've been enjoying the perks of liveaboard marina life in Marina di Ragusa in Sicily. It's taken us a while to get to know the boat inside out and do some much needed repairs. We survi...
Sailing Montenegro. FIRST Overnight passage. Night sailing! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 4
Sailing Ocean Fox
Sailing Montenegro. FIRST Overnight passage. Night sailing! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 4
#coastalpassage #leaving We leave Montenegro and head out on our first overnight passage to Corfu, Greece. We go through a very long process of checking in, and getting our sailing permit, the DEKPA. Would you like to become our Patron and support us on ...
RIPPED SAILS and lots of boat jobs! Episode 30 (Sailing Catalpa)
Sailing Catalpa
RIPPED SAILS and lots of boat jobs! Episode 30 (Sailing Catalpa)
This episode we head for cover in Pancake Creek and get all our boat jobs done. Meet up with friends and head back out to the Reef. Big love the Catalpa Crew Lee, Sara, Taj and Bella Cheers for watching and have an epic day! Any musicians out there tha...
BATHING UNDER A BEAUTIFUL WATERFALL in The Whitsunday Islands!  Sailing SV Sarean Ep.1
Sailing SV Sarean
BATHING UNDER A BEAUTIFUL WATERFALL in The Whitsunday Islands! Sailing SV Sarean Ep.1
The Whitsunday Islands on Australia's Great Barrier Reef are a Yachtie's haven with lush islands, white sandy beaches and beautiful coral outcrops. In this episode we sail to the Stonehaven Anchorage, service the engine, snorkel the beautiful Butterfly B...