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Boatbed YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
The perfect bilge pump set up? Ep.9
A Life Awry Sailing
The perfect bilge pump set up? Ep.9
Hi everyone, Join us this week as Kieran comes up with a great idea for installing a new bilge pump in our deep bilge. We also manage a night away on the bay. It's not the most relaxing night we've had a at anchor but so good to get some good quality sai...
Our new boat could have caught FIRE if we didn’t discover this! Ep.8
A Life Awry Sailing
Our new boat could have caught FIRE if we didn’t discover this! Ep.8
Hi guys, Join us this week as we continue with the boat refit/renovations and system upgrades on our new boat. It's starting to heat up on board so we give into a portable aircon unit to take the edge off. We discover we have diesel leaks and serious ele...
2 months living on our sailboat..check out the improvements we’ve made! Ep.7
A Life Awry Sailing
2 months living on our sailboat..check out the improvements we’ve made! Ep.7
Hi guys, Join us this week as we enjoy our last few days sailing around Moreton Bay before heading back to the dock to crack back into the boat renovations/ restoration projects. In the 2 months living onboard our 1980 Swanson 38ft boat we have made qu...