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Boat work YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 1312 results
Building The Ultimate Hard Dodger (part 2) | Step 431
Sailing Uma
Building The Ultimate Hard Dodger (part 2) | Step 431
For Bonus videos, Ad Free episodes, access to The Unknown podcast, and daily updates on Discord: ▸ ↓ BINGE WATCH ↓ ▸ Watch our story from Step 1 : ▸ OUR BOAT (1972 Pearson 36) ht...
Boat Life to Van Life… Did We Make a Mistake? | Episode 292
Boat Life to Van Life… Did We Make a Mistake? | Episode 292
Welcome back to WE|Sail! We’ve hit pause on boat life and jumped into our next big adventure—van life! But… was that a mistake? 😬 Our first "shakedown" trip in the van didn’t exactly go as planned. From unexpected breakdowns to questioning if t...
Building The Ultimate Hard Dodger (part 1) | Step 430
Sailing Uma
Building The Ultimate Hard Dodger (part 1) | Step 430
For Bonus videos, Ad Free episodes, access to The Unknown podcast, and daily updates on Discord: ▸ ↓ BINGE WATCH ↓ ▸ Watch our story from Step 1 : ▸ OUR BOAT (1972 Pearson 36) ht...
From Sailboat Celebrations to Van Life Adventures in New Zealand | Episode 291
From Sailboat Celebrations to Van Life Adventures in New Zealand | Episode 291
Welcome back to WE|Sail! Join us for a magical Christmas on the water. In this episode, we set sail with our friends on their sailboat, giving us a little reminder of our love for the water while we are hauled out and boosting our Christmas spirit. As we...
GET US OUT OF HERE! (Not long now)
Sailing Merewether
GET US OUT OF HERE! (Not long now)
After a relaxing Christmas and New years with family it's time to have another crack at this vessel and finally finally finally get out for some cruising. This week while trying to survive running on next to no sleep and having at times two screaming babie...
The Messy, Satisfying Process of Installing Cork Insulation | Step 429
Sailing Uma
The Messy, Satisfying Process of Installing Cork Insulation | Step 429
Go to UMA20 gets you up to 48% off your first subscription for the next 10 days or 29% off for a one time purchase. #magicmind #mentalperformance #productivityhacks For Bonus videos, Ad Free episodes, access to The Unkno...
Boat’s Out, Work Begins, Sailing Crew Deserts Us | Episode 290
Boat’s Out, Work Begins, Sailing Crew Deserts Us | Episode 290
Welcome back to the worlds greatest sailing channel!! Just kidding, wanted to see if you are really reading these descriptions!! But for real, this week finds us officially hauled out of the water and sitting pretty on the hard in our new yard, and our hom...
Sailboat refit COST! (How much did we spend?)
Sailing Merewether
Sailboat refit COST! (How much did we spend?)
Bringing this Amel Super Maramu (one of the greatest blue water cruisers built in the 90's and 00's) back to life after a huge accident with a container ship has been nothing short of a crazy roller coster. This we look into the cost of it all and figure o...
Sailing to Panama | Sailing Sitka Ep 155
Sailing Sitka
Sailing to Panama | Sailing Sitka Ep 155
In this video of sailing sitka, jay and Kenna sail to their first port in Panama from Golfito, Costa Rica. They anchor in front of a desolate little island consisting of nothing but tall standing palm trees and white sandy beaches. Thanks for watching and ...
Spraying Cork Insulation… The CORRECT WAY  | Step 428
Sailing Uma
Spraying Cork Insulation… The CORRECT WAY | Step 428
Start fresh any day of the year with my paid partner BetterHelp. Head over to and get 10% off your first month of therapy. For Bonus videos, Ad Free episodes, access to The Unknown podcast, and daily updates on Discor...
Getting tattooed on a classic sailboat in Costa Rica | Sailing Sitka Ep 154
Sailing Sitka
Getting tattooed on a classic sailboat in Costa Rica | Sailing Sitka Ep 154
Jay and Kenna have sailed their 41 foot sailboat from Canada to Costa Rica of the period of 2 years. Such an adventure does not come without obstacles including trial and errors. During their travels in Central America, they also met a fellow offshore sail...
Don’t Insulate Your Boat Before Watching THIS! | Step 427
Sailing Uma
Don’t Insulate Your Boat Before Watching THIS! | Step 427
[ Our Episodes are now Released a day early for our youtube members ] For more Bonus videos, 5 days early + AD-FREE episodes, access to The Unknown podcast, and Discord access: ▸ ↓ BINGE WATCH ↓ ▸ Watch our ...
Boat Work or Explore New New Zealand; Can WE Do Both?| Episode 289
Boat Work or Explore New New Zealand; Can WE Do Both?| Episode 289
Last week we finished our big sail south to New Zealand and got checked into the country. On this week's episode we don't waste any time and get our butts up to the small port where we haul out. We go through the similar process where that we have experien...
Journey to the most protected bay in Costa Rica | Sailing Sitka Ep 153
Sailing Sitka
Journey to the most protected bay in Costa Rica | Sailing Sitka Ep 153
In this episode of Sailing Sitka, Jay and Kenna sail the squally and sloppy seas from Quepos to Golfito, down the pacific costa of Costa Rica. After having numerous encounters with rolley anchorages, we finally make landfall in a bay that is often mistaken...
1,300 Legends on our 36 ft Boat | Step 426
Sailing Uma
1,300 Legends on our 36 ft Boat | Step 426
You can add your name to the hull too: ▸ ↓ BINGE WATCH ↓ ▸ Watch our story from Step 1 : ▸ OUR BOAT (1972 Pearson 36) ▸ MERCH : https://sto...