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Boat repair fiberglass YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 21 results
6 months away from our SALVAGE SAILBOAT- WHAT has been done?!
Sailing Merewether
6 months away from our SALVAGE SAILBOAT- WHAT has been done?!
Back into the groove and we're showing off what has and mostly hasn't been done while we've been away. We had quite a few jobs for contractors to do and its a let down going through the boat and finding things unfinished and needing work. But with every pr...
Taking our NEW CREW for their very FIRST SAIL!
Sailing Merewether
Taking our NEW CREW for their very FIRST SAIL!
After 6 months in Sweden giving birth to twin babies Ocean Anthony and Blue Louise Wise, Sailing Merewether finally gets back to sea with their new crew. Kieran and Morgen share their experiences sailing with babies for the first time on a sailboat and pre...
FROZEN seas make for TERRIBLE sailing conditions
Sailing Merewether
FROZEN seas make for TERRIBLE sailing conditions
Another week in the winter and today we are venturing out to the summer house in the wrong season haha. Now in the middle of one of the coldest winters in years the waterways around the family summer house have been completely frozen over allowing us full ...
Is this the COLDEST we’ve ever experienced?
Sailing Merewether
Is this the COLDEST we’ve ever experienced?
Living life with a home that consistency moves around the world has it's definite positives but when you are trying to give birth to two babies being around a good health care system and your family really helps. This week we have arrived back in Sweden to...
We sail a 70 FOOT MONSTER
Sailing Merewether
We sail a 70 FOOT MONSTER
The Clipper round the world ocean race is a crew funded race that just happened to make port in Newcastle, Australia, where we have been enjoying our Christmas and new year. The race is made up of eight legs and the crew can choose a single leg of the race...
Preparing for THE FUTURE…
Sailing Merewether
Preparing for THE FUTURE…
After four long months on the hard rebuilding our Amel super Maramu, we take a much needed break and visit a tourist island for the day. All four of us! We also pack up, as work and babies awaits. But do not worry, we will be back on Merewether before you ...
Sailing Merewether
The biggest news of our lives, yes you read that correctly. Buying a new boat, getting engaged, gets really small if you compare it to what we want to share with you this week. On top of that, while most big jobs are underway, we're also tackling smaller ...
OUT with the MOLD in with the NEW (Fresh Interior!)
Sailing Merewether
OUT with the MOLD in with the NEW (Fresh Interior!)
Out with the mold, in with the new. Getting this old moldy, broken boat back on her feet involves completely replacing some of the interior that was unsalvageable. Doing jobs for the first time we make mistakes which becomes quite evident. Learning how to ...
STRUCTURAL DAMAGE found, what now?!
Sailing Merewether
STRUCTURAL DAMAGE found, what now?!
Into the thick of it with this refit and we're still yet to see any sign of a dry season, or heaven forbid temperatures under 90 degree Fahrenheit. With all boats the structure is the most important thing to keep in good condition. This week after digging ...
The REALITIES of rebuilding a SAILBOAT (jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs)
Sailing Merewether
The REALITIES of rebuilding a SAILBOAT (jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs)
Getting stuck into various jobs in many locations, we're attacking on all fronts of this boat at once. First up we try to understand how to reposition the auto pilot drive so that it doesn't obstruct our future full sized queen bed we aim to put into the m...
Our Year Long Refit in 4 Mins – How We Saved $100k Rebuilding It Ourselves
David Shih
Our Year Long Refit in 4 Mins – How We Saved $100k Rebuilding It Ourselves
Dear Judges of the Best Refit Category: Thank you for your consideration! We dedicated our entire lives for over a year to this overwhelming refit and created a YouTube channel to share all of our blood, sweat (a ton of it,) and tears with the world. Bel...
I SURVIVED 10 Months of Rebuilding My Boat
David Shih
I SURVIVED 10 Months of Rebuilding My Boat
After 10 months of FIBERGLASSING (ok, i might not have been fiberglassing that whole time) we finally complete the rebuild of the main bulkheads on our Lagoon 450 Catamaran. I become homeless because the boat I've been staying on @ParlayRevival left the ma...
Taking the Plunge – Learning Fiberglass Repair
Out Chasing Stars
Taking the Plunge – Learning Fiberglass Repair
Big fiberglass repairs have been one of those jobs that has just always scared us. It's not something we've had to tackle often so perhaps it was the fear of the unknown or fear of screwing something up worse than it was before. But... you can only put o...
Wife Sees Boat After 8 Months & Is Put To Work
David Shih
Wife Sees Boat After 8 Months & Is Put To Work
Our Bulkheads are still broken and my wife thinks I'm just messing around down in Panama. Mary flys down to central america to take the fiberglassing into her own hands! I give her a step by step breakdown on exactly how to glass a structural beam. We ge...
I Sacrificed 3 Days of My Life GRINDING Fiberglass to Save $18k
David Shih
I Sacrificed 3 Days of My Life GRINDING Fiberglass to Save $18k
We find and grind out every single fiberglass crack and delamination on our Lagoon 450 bulkheads. We suit up ebola style and grind what feels like every surface in boat. You won't believe the buckets and buckets of dust, and that's just the bit we were a...