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Boat lifestyle YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 347 results
LIVE: Zingaro is KEEPING THE BOAT??? (Live sailing offshore MERRY CHRISTMAS!)
Sailing Zingaro
LIVE: Zingaro is KEEPING THE BOAT??? (Live sailing offshore MERRY CHRISTMAS!)
Zingaro is on DAY 14 of an offshore passage Annapolis, USA - Cartagena, Colombia. Join us for the CRAZY STORY!
Sat at anchor – Don’t they ever sleep in this place? #boatlife #greece  #sailing
Carl and Jenny
Sat at anchor – Don’t they ever sleep in this place? #boatlife #greece #sailing
Sat at anchor - Don't they ever sleep in this place? #boatlife #greece #sailing We are on the island of Leros sat at anchor in the bay and it's their celebration of the Dormition of the mother of God. Which means they were partying with live music on the...
ENDLESS jobs on our WRECKED AMEL Super Maramu!
Sailing Merewether
ENDLESS jobs on our WRECKED AMEL Super Maramu!
Get ready for an epic update as we tackle endless jobs on our Amel Super Maramu! From preparing the base plate for the mast, painting, grinding, and finally installing it - join us on this thrilling journey.
After 12 months, three countries and two babies we have a MAST!
Sailing Merewether
After 12 months, three countries and two babies we have a MAST!
Watch the exhilarating story of Sailing Merewether's mast installation journey as they battle through various challenges on the path to restoring their yacht back to its original state. With unwavering persistence, they overcome every obstacle, ultimately ...
6 months away from our SALVAGE SAILBOAT- WHAT has been done?!
Sailing Merewether
6 months away from our SALVAGE SAILBOAT- WHAT has been done?!
Back into the groove and we're showing off what has and mostly hasn't been done while we've been away. We had quite a few jobs for contractors to do and its a let down going through the boat and finding things unfinished and needing work. But with every pr...
Will the Anker SOLIX F2000 run a BOAT???
Sailing Zingaro
Will the Anker SOLIX F2000 run a BOAT???
Today we review the Anker SOLIX F2000 portable power station, testing it with a boat to see if it can charge batteries and run AC.
Taking our NEW CREW for their very FIRST SAIL!
Sailing Merewether
Taking our NEW CREW for their very FIRST SAIL!
After 6 months in Sweden giving birth to twin babies Ocean Anthony and Blue Louise Wise, Sailing Merewether finally gets back to sea with their new crew. Kieran and Morgen share their experiences sailing with babies for the first time on a sailboat and pre...
Ep. 23 Servicing a Whale Gusher 10 in Reality.
Good Deeds Sailing
Ep. 23 Servicing a Whale Gusher 10 in Reality.
In this video, we dive into the nitty-gritty details of servicing a Whale Gusher 10 freshwater flush toilet. Our expert shows us how to carefully remove and replace the diaphragm while offering handy advice for overcoming common challenges encountered duri...
Sailing Zingaro
Cross the ATLANTIC with us!!! @ We purchased a derelict boat four years ago, on the hard for 7 years. Now she is BACK in her BEAUTIFUL nature with a new paint job top to bottom, new teak decks, floor, interior, and much more! Tu...
Repairing our autopilot linear drive underway
Sailing Zingaro
Repairing our autopilot linear drive underway
❤️ Support this channel: Come sailing with us! Patreon: T-shirts: 👇 Social Media: Website: Facebook: https://www.faceb...
I can’t believe we pulled this off…
Sailing Zingaro
I can’t believe we pulled this off…
Exploring yacht refit options in Caribbean marinas can save significant costs compared to US prices, with experienced workers handling top-side paint, hull bottom maintenance, and teak decks at budget-friendly rates.
LIVE Sailing in Cuba!
Sailing Zingaro
LIVE Sailing in Cuba!
❤️ Support this channel: Come sailing with us! Patreon: T-shirts: 👇 Social Media: Website: Facebook: https://www.faceb...
FROZEN seas make for TERRIBLE sailing conditions
Sailing Merewether
FROZEN seas make for TERRIBLE sailing conditions
Another week in the winter and today we are venturing out to the summer house in the wrong season haha. Now in the middle of one of the coldest winters in years the waterways around the family summer house have been completely frozen over allowing us full ...
This BAD news changes everything… | Sailing Sitka Ep 104
Sailing Sitka
This BAD news changes everything… | Sailing Sitka Ep 104
This bad news changes everything. On this episode of sailing sitka, we are stuck in a rough anchorage and if that wasn't bad enough, we figure out some dreadful news regarding our boat and our cruising future plans. Sailing and the cruising lifestyle can b...
Is this the COLDEST we’ve ever experienced?
Sailing Merewether
Is this the COLDEST we’ve ever experienced?
Living life with a home that consistency moves around the world has it's definite positives but when you are trying to give birth to two babies being around a good health care system and your family really helps. This week we have arrived back in Sweden to...