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Boat for sail YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Blue Water Cruiser for SAIL | Cheoy Lee 41′ Boat Tour
Sailing Avocet
Blue Water Cruiser for SAIL | Cheoy Lee 41′ Boat Tour
After years of living aboard and cruising our 1979 Cheoy Lee 41', Avocet, we finally found time to clean up and bring you on a virtual boat tour. Interested in more? Click here 👉 Chapters: 0:00 - 7:54 ...
Wylie 45′ Cold-Molded Sloop | Boat Tour
Sailing Avocet
Wylie 45′ Cold-Molded Sloop | Boat Tour
BOAT FOR SAIL! The bond between a boat and owner is incredible, especially when you have a history like our friend Neal and his beloved Wylie 45', Malaya! This beautiful yacht is one of a kind; cold-molded and very comfortable, truly fit for cruising. When...