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Best sailing tips YouTube Videos

Showing 31-45 of 50 results
Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow! Sailboat Diesels
SV Impavidus
Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow! Sailboat Diesels
Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow! Marine Diesel Engines in Yachts. (How they work) Part 1 We have produced the first of two videos to help explain how Marine Diesels work. This was requested by a couple of our viewers. Hope you enjoy both parts. NB. The interc...
Sicily. Beautiful Med sailing! Fantastic Islands and People.
SV Impavidus
Sicily. Beautiful Med sailing! Fantastic Islands and People.
Sicily. Beautiful Med sailing! Fantastic Islands and People. Enjoy! Website; Patreon page; Facebook; Buy us a beer; #Bavariayachts #medsailin...
SV Impavidus
Website; Patreon page; Facebook; Buy us a beer; #Bavariayachts #medsailing #sailinginthemed #svimpavidus #boatelectrical #sailingvideos #boatsu...
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year. To all……….
SV Impavidus
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year. To all……….
Website; Patreon page; Facebook; Buy us a beer;
Diesel Sailboat Engine cooling  Part 2
SV Impavidus
Diesel Sailboat Engine cooling Part 2
Diesel Sailboat Engine cooling Part 2 In this video we look at the cooling system and how it works. Link to the heat exchanger video here: Link to two videos on the exhaust elbow here; And here: h...
Boat Engine cooling. Engine overheating? Part 1
SV Impavidus
Boat Engine cooling. Engine overheating? Part 1
Boat Engine cooling. Engine overheating? In this video 2 part video we look at raw water cooling in marine diesels. Starting with detailed rebuild of a water pump. Diesel Sailboat Engine cooling Part 2 In this video we look at the cooling system and how...
Diesel boat engines. How they work. We also take a look  the hill fort at Licita with some history.
SV Impavidus
Diesel boat engines. How they work. We also take a look the hill fort at Licita with some history.
Fuel and forts. We look at diesel systems and the hill fort at Licita with some history. Website; Patreon page; Facebook; Buy us a beer; #Ba...
Leaking water! Leaking exhaust muffler, Airmar log, and to market, to market.
SV Impavidus
Leaking water! Leaking exhaust muffler, Airmar log, and to market, to market.
Leaking water! Leaking exhaust muffler, Airmar log, and to market, to market. Video links; Our links Website; Patreon page;
More things you asked to see. OTB 076
SV Impavidus
More things you asked to see. OTB 076
More things you asked to see. OTB 076 Singer sewing machine: Our links Website; https://www.svimpav...
Basic Boat Tools…. Part Two. What’s in my GO TO box?
SV Impavidus
Basic Boat Tools…. Part Two. What’s in my GO TO box?
Basic Boat Tools.... Part Two. In this video we look at our basic or go to tool box. What's in my GO TO box? Link to part one: Clamp multimeter.
Basic Boat Tools…. Part One Whats in my GO TO box? (Or whats in Cid’s draws?)
SV Impavidus
Basic Boat Tools…. Part One Whats in my GO TO box? (Or whats in Cid’s draws?)
Basic Boat Tools.... Part One Whats in my GO TO box? (Or whats in Cid's draws?) We look at what the basic tools you should have are and why. Our links; Website; Patreon page; Facebook; ...
Repairs and good ideas? OTB 075
SV Impavidus
Repairs and good ideas? OTB 075
Repairs and good ideas? We look at repairs to our diesel heater and how it works. We make side panels for the bimini and fit new fairleads to the bow. Fairleads:
Back on the boat.  Useful stuff you may want to know?   OTB 074
SV Impavidus
Back on the boat. Useful stuff you may want to know? OTB 074
Back on the boat. Useful stuff you may want to know? OTB 074 Hawke House website: Washing machine: Our links Website; http...
Babies, Brakes and Bikes. Not a boat in sight. (A quick update from the UK)
SV Impavidus
Babies, Brakes and Bikes. Not a boat in sight. (A quick update from the UK)
Babies, Brakes and Bikes (a quick update from the UK) No sailing this week. Not a boat in sight. Our links Website; Patreon page; Facebook; Buy us a beer; paypal...
Saving the best to last? Pirates, Parking, Paddle-boards & Panoramas. OTB 073
SV Impavidus
Saving the best to last? Pirates, Parking, Paddle-boards & Panoramas. OTB 073
Saving the best until last? Pirates, Parking, Paddle-boards & Panoramas. OTB 073 Shtandart YT chanel Funny: Our links In this video. Website; https:...