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Beautiful sailing YouTube Videos

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Kicked Out (And Nowhere To Go) | Sailing Ep 297
Kicked Out (And Nowhere To Go) | Sailing Ep 297
We left Bohay Dulang, the most beautiful anchorage we've ever seen, because it was time to head south to the last stop in Malaysia. Tawau is right on the border between Sabah and Kalimantan and was where we had to check out. Before getting there we had to...
Should We Reveal The Best Places? | Casting Off with Followtheboat 012
Should We Reveal The Best Places? | Casting Off with Followtheboat 012
Should remote places be developed or kept secret? Are the destinations we visit ripe for tourism? If you had a sailboat and were about to set off on passage, how would YOU choose where to go? How would you make that decision? 00:00 What is Tolitoli coff...
Spectacular Coral Islands (But Why Is No-One Sailing Here?) | Ep 296
Spectacular Coral Islands (But Why Is No-One Sailing Here?) | Ep 296
The most beautiful sailing ground we've ever found, but why does no-one sail here? The problems can only be resolved politically. So until Malaysia and the Philippines can make the area safe, it will remain an untouched gem. 🤙 Support us: PATREON | FTB...
Exploring the islands with beautiful women
Sailing Zingaro
Exploring the islands with beautiful women
Exploring the jungle with our beautiful crew! We're sailing, spearfishing, sharks, treasure hunting, catching fish, cooking, playing guitar, and gathering coconuts how we live on a boat with special guest Plukky from YouTube channel @SAILINGintoFREEDOM and...
Our New Year Resolution: To be NAKED in the water EVERYDAY!!!
Sailing Zingaro
Our New Year Resolution: To be NAKED in the water EVERYDAY!!!
Come SAILING with Zingaro!!!! Go to to see availability. We finally run into @SAILINGintoFREEDOM and have a BLAST! Beach catch and cook, spearfishing, salsa dancing lessons. Want to SAIL with us? Book a trip: www.sailingzingaro....
Dolphins swimming with the boat & hoisting a spinnaker  // our most beautiful sailing video
Folsom Ocean Views
Dolphins swimming with the boat & hoisting a spinnaker // our most beautiful sailing video
On this sail, we hoisted a spinnaker for the first time, and witnessed dolphins swimming with the boat for over 30 minutes! This was the most beautiful sailing video I have ever put together. The sailing conditons were perfect and while we still have a l...
Sailing the Hollyhead Race  Sailing around Britain, Episode 5
The Sailing Brothers
Sailing the Hollyhead Race Sailing around Britain, Episode 5
.........This was the 15th of may........ In the episode we go for a quick walk around porthdinllean and then set sail for Hollyhead A big thanks to all our existing and new subscribers. We love your comments, likes and feedback Please share it really...
Pirates or Fishermen? Sailing Providencia to Guanaja Through Thunderstorms – UNTIE THE LINES II #22
Pirates or Fishermen? Sailing Providencia to Guanaja Through Thunderstorms – UNTIE THE LINES II #22
The longest passage with Karl so far: 350nm, three nights and four days at sea. It was an incredible passage with a little bit of everything. Karl did super well and we arrived safely in Guanaja! Ahoy, thanks for watching and see you next week, Nike &...