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Beachday YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Adventure #22 of 57 – Beach cleanup at South Ponto State Beach with the Surfrider Foundation
The Adventure Travelers
Adventure #22 of 57 – Beach cleanup at South Ponto State Beach with the Surfrider Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation San Diego is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and preserving our oceans, waves, and beaches. Here are some interesting facts about the organization: Founded in 1984: The San Diego chapter of the Surfrider Foundati...
There is more than just boat work! – EP 150 Sailing Seatramp
Sailing Seatramp
There is more than just boat work! – EP 150 Sailing Seatramp
We are back in wonderful Hirifa and spend a few relaxing days on the beach with our friends from Yumyum. After the last days and weeks were quite exhausting, we decide to spend the next days only doing boat work in the mornings and spend the rest of the ...
Foredeck Yoga. Sailing Ocean Fox #137
Sailing Ocean Fox
Foredeck Yoga. Sailing Ocean Fox #137
#yogaontheboat #wintersailing #greatweather Jessica and Rafaela are still on the boat. As we make our way back to Portimao we get some fishing gear wrapped around the prop. Simon is in clearing it again. Carla and I go shell fishing for Razor Clams in t...
We stumble across a naturist beach and visit Wareham Quay- C&J Extra
Carl and Jenny
We stumble across a naturist beach and visit Wareham Quay- C&J Extra
Following on from our visit to the boat show, we spend the next couple of days visiting the places we used to holiday when our kids were younger. We have a trip to the beach and stumble across a naturist beach, so when in Rome!!! ------------------------...