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Batteries on a boat YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Building our HARD TOP out of SOLAR PANELS! – Episode 128
Sailing Parlay Revival
Building our HARD TOP out of SOLAR PANELS! – Episode 128
We desperately needed to replace our tiny little Bimini on the fly bridge on our Lagoon 450 catamaran, so when we started designing our new hard top, we decided that we would try get as many solar panels as we could up there. But instead of building the ha...
Biggest lithium battery installation ever on a sailboat? – Episode 105
Sailing Parlay Revival
Biggest lithium battery installation ever on a sailboat? – Episode 105
Sailing Dauntless (on YouTube) is a 2017 Lagoon 450 which was hurricane damaged in Tortola, at exactly the same time as Parlay, which is also a hurricane damaged Lagoon 450. Ty, Kim and Syd describe what it was like to rebuild her, and also undertake proba...
Boat Battery Setup – How to increase the lifespan of your batteries
Boat Battery Setup – How to increase the lifespan of your batteries
FREE TOOL: GET YOUR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AUDIT CHECKLIST For a limited time, we’re offering a checklist to help you know what you need to know about your boat’s electrical systems, the basics of troubleshooting, and how to determine when it’s time to ca...