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Bargingthrough YouTube Videos

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
BARGE BUILD.  roof is on! No rumps and bumps, looks beautiful! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 178
Sailing Ocean Fox
BARGE BUILD. roof is on! No rumps and bumps, looks beautiful! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 178
#buildingaboat #Wegotthis #broken This week we finally get the roof laminated up and cut to shape. Hopefully we will get it fibreglassed as soon as possible. Carla works on the windows and breaks the final glass. I hope you are all enjoying the journey a...
BARGE BUILD! Are we watertight yet? Waterproof? Water resistant? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 177
Sailing Ocean Fox
BARGE BUILD! Are we watertight yet? Waterproof? Water resistant? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 177
#fixingwindows #boatwork #littionbatteries This week we get stuck in to glazing the Pilot House, and find out how difficult it really is. We also start to build the roof to the Pilot House, soon we will be watertight. Our battery bank arrives from Hong K...
BARGE BUILD. Box.. What are you talking about???? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep176
Sailing Ocean Fox
BARGE BUILD. Box.. What are you talking about???? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep176
#boatjobs #boatwork #liveaboard This week we manage to put our engine in the boat with the help of Charlie. We talk a lot about Stuffing Boxes and tell you why we decided to have a traditional box. Sand, sand and sanding we finally get the pilot house bu...
BARGE BUILD .DOWN & DIRTY. Nightmare getting the generator in! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 175
Sailing Ocean Fox
BARGE BUILD .DOWN & DIRTY. Nightmare getting the generator in! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 175
#boatengine #boatbuilding #buildingaboat This week we get down into the engine room to start fitting it out. Shelves are made and the generator is flown into place. We then turn our attention to the Pilot House and all the sanding of the windows that has...
BARGE BUILD. NASTY work begins on the BARGE! The NEW Barging Lifestyle! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 174
Sailing Ocean Fox
BARGE BUILD. NASTY work begins on the BARGE! The NEW Barging Lifestyle! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 174
#barginglife #exploringalternatives #canalboats The New Ocean Fox arrives in the yard in Windsor. We spend the next few days planning the layout and we start work on the engine room and the bow locker. Difficult times ahead off us but we are very excited...