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Baja ha-ha 2022 YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Sailing The Sea of Cortez: 7 Baja Anchorages
Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing The Sea of Cortez: 7 Baja Anchorages
After sailing from San Diego to Cabo with Nicky and Peter, the four of us now sail north up the Sea of Cortez. We follow writer John Steinbeck’s sailing route as described in his 1940 book, The Sea of Cortez, to see how much has changed, and stayed the s...
Baja Haha: Sailing San Diego to Cabo – Part 2
Sailing SV Indigo
Baja Haha: Sailing San Diego to Cabo – Part 2
We continue our journey from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, aboard SV Resolute, making several stops along the way for the Baja Haha flotilla to regroup. Highlights include Bahia Tortugas (Turtle Bay), Bahia Santa Maria (the Baja Pacific Coast side o...
Sailing San Diego to Cabo with the Baja Haha – Part 1
Sailing SV Indigo
Sailing San Diego to Cabo with the Baja Haha – Part 1
We join new friends, Peter and Nicky, aboard their boat, SV Resolute, to sail from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas with the Baja Haha flotilla. And, yes, we’re visited by orcas (killer whales) and UFOs while sailing down the coast of Baja California. Part 1 ...