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Backyard boat building YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 34 results
DIY Boat Building – Welding Stainless Steel Pipe, Painting, and Engine Room Stuff
SV Seeker
DIY Boat Building – Welding Stainless Steel Pipe, Painting, and Engine Room Stuff
The Journey is the Reward.  My Oklahoma Ship: Patrons and Other Support: FaceBook: Blog: Store:
Salt & Tar is in Good Old Boat Magazine
Salt & Tar
Salt & Tar is in Good Old Boat Magazine
Check out the new growing website: The articel about Sailing YouTube channels: Thanks again everyone for staying tuned! I now have a computer on loan to start the next vide...
Bow Roller, Rudder, Deck Crane and more
SV Seeker
Bow Roller, Rudder, Deck Crane and more
A lot got done this past week. "DC" and I finished out his week by figuring out a design for working the anchors on and off the boat, including a bow roller, chain stopper, and a possible redesign on the winch that will make it easy to switch out a capsta...
Cabin Floors and Decks
SV Seeker
Cabin Floors and Decks
Many thanks to "DC", Paul Hatch, Richard Day, Bart, and Betsy and all of you. Please stop sending extension cords and locking plugs. :) We feel the love and absolutely appreciate your support. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you! Working beside See...
Engine Room Sole and Mainmast Step
SV Seeker
Engine Room Sole and Mainmast Step
Interested in Paul's Boat? Write me at and I will forward it to Paul. Paul's Boat: FaceBook: Blog: Store:
Foremast & Sole & Deck Hatch & CNC Routing
SV Seeker
Foremast & Sole & Deck Hatch & CNC Routing
SerpentZA Renegade Sailing Chris Gassens's Blog: I tell ya. I have to make all the tough decisions around here. Chris can figure out t...
Engine Room Floor and Other Boat Work
SV Seeker
Engine Room Floor and Other Boat Work
FaceBook: Blog: Store:
Seeker’s Sole, V Carving and Paint
SV Seeker
Seeker’s Sole, V Carving and Paint
We are TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT. What a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Thanks to everyone who sponsored a tile. We may have more available in the future, but we don't want any ending up in the head. Unless that's where you want it to go. :) Deck Tiles: htt...
Floor Tiles and Paint Testing
SV Seeker
Floor Tiles and Paint Testing
What brings together scientist, truck drivers, constructions workers, military members, artist, and the occasional database administrator? Hell if I know. But I'm really glad that it's happening. Seeker has been a magnet for bring together new friends. ...
Salt & Tar Episode 13
Salt & Tar
Salt & Tar Episode 13 This is my longest video so far! I had so much footage to sort through. I'm really excited I figured out that if I export the video to my external hard drive I'm not limited by the size of video. My tiny M...
Salt & Tar Episode 12
Salt & Tar
Salt & Tar Episode 12
Sorry for the long wait! I can't believe how fast time moves even when it feels like it's not. This is how we managed to put our 600 Ib engine up and through the shed and into the boat. It shockingly only took 40 mins all said and done. A very special wa...
Salt & Tar Episode 10
Salt & Tar
Salt & Tar Episode 10
Once again my poor tiny Mac couldn't handle exporting the video in full HD.... but here's the new video! The quality is not too bad. We are getting so close with the topside planking but unfortunately Garrett's back is out once more for time number three. ...
Chinese Junk Sailboat – Catwalks and Keels and Engine
SV Seeker
Chinese Junk Sailboat – Catwalks and Keels and Engine
Stephen Cox - Heavy Equipment Mechanic - Check it out: Blog: Store:
Steel Boat Building – Rudder, Catwalk, Pilot House and more
SV Seeker
Steel Boat Building – Rudder, Catwalk, Pilot House and more
We had some beautiful weather last weekend so we got out of the hull and kicked several projects further down the path. Many thanks to the crew. Blog: Store:
Pouring Lead into the Keels
SV Seeker
Pouring Lead into the Keels
Casting aluminum and bronze is fun, but it hardly compares to pouring a one thousand pound river of molten lead five feet down in the keels. We have done three pours now and have the major bugs worked out. Still at least seventeen more pours to go. It ...