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Australians (Ethnicity) YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Spearfishing a Deserted Island! (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 12
Sailing La Vagabonde
Spearfishing a Deserted Island! (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 12
Adventures of Nevis & Lionfish hunting in Redonda. Islands like Redonda, completely uninhabited and enough fish around to live off the land for a while is our kind of place! Join our sailing adventures as we sail down towards Grenada for the hurricane ...
Ciguatera Poisoning, Goats, Fish & Monkeys (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 11
Sailing La Vagabonde
Ciguatera Poisoning, Goats, Fish & Monkeys (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 11
Adventures of BEAUTIFUL Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Kitts. Slowly making our way down towards Grenada for the hurricane season! Thanks a million to all those subscribers following our voyage, and for supporting us on Patreon! we really need the support to...
The Atlantic Crossing (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 7
Sailing La Vagabonde
The Atlantic Crossing (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 7
La Vagabonde made it across the Atlantic to the Caribbean! 2300 nm (17 days at sea for us) and we couldn't be happier with how it all went. A few squalls, flying fish, a lot of Dorados (luckily, or I never would have been forgiven for losing the first one....
CARNIVAL in Cape Verde! (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 6
Sailing La Vagabonde
CARNIVAL in Cape Verde! (Sailing La Vagabonde) – Ep. 6
Adventures of Cape Verde before the Atlantic Crossing. Island hopping a few islands and celebrating Carnival in Mindelo! Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for the ATLANTIC CROSSING. Ps. If you are following our voyage, like what we are doing, and would like to ...