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Andy YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
The B side of 40 ish questions with Bill Draheim and Rod Fevela
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The B side of 40 ish questions with Bill Draheim and Rod Fevela
As promised, Part B of the interview. Same bad quality same Great guests! This is part of Texas week!
20 Questions with Farley Fontenot
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20 Questions with Farley Fontenot
Quantum Sails Co founder, Farley Fontenot tell some Great stories
20 questions with Andy Lovell, The Lovell Lift
Sailing Views
20 questions with Andy Lovell, The Lovell Lift
Andy Lovell answers questions about sailing. 2nd in 2 Olympic trials on 2 different boats.
Sailing Scotland (Sailing Rhumor ep1)
Sailing Rhumor
Sailing Scotland (Sailing Rhumor ep1)
Sailing Scotland e1. Is the start of a series of vidoe's that will follow our family around Scotland through the highs, lows, rain and shine. In this video we pick up Rhumor at Ardfern and start the adventure through the Crinan canal and on to Troon. Sai...