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Anchor test YouTube Videos

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Sailing Parlay Revival
If you like the setup, just google Maxwell windlasses, Cromox chains, or Ultra anchors. I don't have affiliate links. If you want to check out my new business Salt Shark, click here.
Final Cruise – Sailing San Blas Islands & Epsilon Anchor Test | Distant Shores
Distant Shores TV
Final Cruise – Sailing San Blas Islands & Epsilon Anchor Test | Distant Shores
In this, our final cruise aboard our Southerly 480 sailboat, we test out the new Lewmar Epsilon anchor while we revisit the San Blas Islands of Panama, home of the Guna tribes, Panama’s indigenous people who still live in traditional ways. Even though it...
(ARCHIVE VIDEO) – Testing the Anchor set up in San Pedro, California
Sailing Triteia
(ARCHIVE VIDEO) – Testing the Anchor set up in San Pedro, California
The Anchor Test ! This video was for Patrons only but its been over a year So now I will release it to the public ! Thanks to my Patrons ! After getting the set up all installed I went out for the day with my buddies Neil, Christian and Carlito to test t...
18-12_Ultra vs. Rocna Anchor – what is the best anchor (sailing ZERO)
sailing ZERO
18-12_Ultra vs. Rocna Anchor – what is the best anchor (sailing ZERO)
Ahoy, in this episode we talk about anchors. We tested the ULTRA Anchor in comparison to the ROCNA Anchor. With both anchors we did exactly the same maneuvers to compare their performance. First we anchored like we do all the time, backing up to set the a...
How to Position Your Boat Safely in an Anchorage
Distant Shores TV
How to Position Your Boat Safely in an Anchorage
How to position your boat in an anchorage. Finding a safe place to drop the hook. Evaluate how the other boats will swing and make sure you will be safe at anchor. All 130 half hour episodes of the Distant Shores TV show are also available on DVD and dow...
Storms, Mud and Sand – Fortress Anchor Tested Long-term
Distant Shores TV
Storms, Mud and Sand – Fortress Anchor Tested Long-term
From a Tropical storm to the North Seas, we have used, and tested our two Fortress Anchors in a number of situations. The Fortress Anchor can be disassembled and makes a great backup anchor. We tested it in Holand's Waddenzee where it was so deeply buried ...
Tying Sailboat in Mangrove for a Hurricane
Distant Shores TV
Tying Sailboat in Mangrove for a Hurricane
Do not try this for Hurricane Irma! Sail away from it in advance! How to secure your boat for a tropical storm. We film the process as we anchor and tie up in a mangrove in Martinique. Then we film as the approaching storm passes right over us with winds ...
Rocna Anchor testing and setting underwater
Distant Shores TV
Rocna Anchor testing and setting underwater
Every wonder what an anchor looks like underwater when its setting? Here is a segment on setting the anchor in sand in the Bahamas. We find the Rocna sets very quickly and holds very well. It just works - and works very well.