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Alex Thomson YouTube Videos

Showing 1-10 of 10 results
Sailing Highlights| The Global World on Water – September 29 IMOCA Defi Speed Runs, Kites, Final 52s
World On Water
Sailing Highlights| The Global World on Water – September 29 IMOCA Defi Speed Runs, Kites, Final 52s
Highlights of what happened globally in the sport of sailing in the last 7 days. The Defi Azimut speed runs in Lorient were breathtaking. The IMOCA boats put on a show, reaching speeds of up to 30 knots! These spectacular speed runs were in conjunction ...
World on Water Transat Jacques Vabre Day 3-4 Extra Thomson, Herrmann, Escoffier, more
World On Water
World on Water Transat Jacques Vabre Day 3-4 Extra Thomson, Herrmann, Escoffier, more
Day 3-4 Transat Jacques Vabre and the fleet breaks into two definite fleets going left and down the African Coast the other going west into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil. Alex Thomson has gone West, as has Boris Herrmann. Here is the reports f...
World on Water Vendee Globe Jan 29 17 Day 84 End of “Live”, Looking Back, Seb at C Horn
World On Water
World on Water Vendee Globe Jan 29 17 Day 84 End of “Live”, Looking Back, Seb at C Horn
Well it's 84 days from the start of the current edition of the Vendee Globe and it's the last "VG LIVE" with host Scot Andi Robertson. Yes, He's Back! and fittingly Sailing Journalist Sebastien Destresmarau passes Cape Horn and "Shuts-the-Door" on the Paci...
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Dec 27 16 Day 50 Xmas at the Horn .. “There it goes!”
World On Water
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Dec 27 16 Day 50 Xmas at the Horn .. “There it goes!”
Day 50 and for Alex Thomson it's sailing past Cape Horn at 30 knots catching up to Armel who is a few hundred miles ahead. We have a Daily report, the Vendee Live from Paris and Alex singing a song. all 1,369 verses of it. Or at least it feels like it. Don...
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Day 45 Dec 21 16. Thomson, Wilson, VG Live Ray Davies more
World On Water
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Day 45 Dec 21 16. Thomson, Wilson, VG Live Ray Davies more
Alex Thomson wakes to the familiar sounds of a violent "knock-down" but on checking all is OK, Rich Wilson mends sails, Daily report Day 45 and Ray Davies of Emirates Team New zealand is on VG Live from VG HQ under the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Well it's in t...
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Day 40 Dec16 16. Thomson, Golding, more
World On Water
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Day 40 Dec16 16. Thomson, Golding, more
This report contains Week 7 wrap, the Day 40 Report and the VG Live programme from Paris HQ with Brit Mike Golding the ex Vendee Globe sailor who chats with Alex Thomson. Rich Wilson, more This is the most comprehensive report on the race from www.boatson....
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Dec 11 16 Thomson’s Tired, Enda’s a Pub Owner more
World On Water
World on Water Vendee Globe Report Dec 11 16 Thomson’s Tired, Enda’s a Pub Owner more
Dec 10 Daily Report and Andi Robertson conducts a huge VG Live from Paris, Alex Thomson looks very depressed and questions why here's "there" (not like him) Enda is the kink of Irish Pubs or should I say "President Elect" of the Souther Ocean Residents Ass...
World on Water November 18.16 Sailing News TV Alex Thomson Leads Vendee Globe Russell Coutts more
World On Water
World on Water November 18.16 Sailing News TV Alex Thomson Leads Vendee Globe Russell Coutts more
In this week's WoW the Vendee Globe is passing through the doldrums heading for the Equator as Brit Alex Thomson leads the huge pack of French sailors, they are not amused, the MC 38 fleet had this year's last event on Sydney Harbour and the Kiwi were supr...
World on Water Vendee Globe Nov 12 16 Heading to Equator (English/French)
World On Water
World on Water Vendee Globe Nov 12 16 Heading to Equator (English/French)
How would you like to give the fleet a 2,000 mile start in your race around the world? Well Didac Costa of One Planet One Ocean has. Full report. Also the latest, Vincent Riou, Alex Thomson and much more. Banque Populaire leads from PRB. A foiler leading a...
World on Water Feb 14 16 Sailing TV News Americas Cup Fails, Vendee Globe, Warren Jones,  more
World On Water
World on Water Feb 14 16 Sailing TV News Americas Cup Fails, Vendee Globe, Warren Jones, more
In this week's WoW we look at "What Went Wrong" in the 34th Americas Cup, Alex Thomson gears up for another Vendee Globe but will he make it, the Warren Jones int Regatta in Perth, the Millennium Cup in the Bay of Islands in NZ and Sebastien Destmemau ente...