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1000 Islands YouTube Videos

Showing 16-30 of 53 results
Fireworks at Clayton NY.  Police stop us and other Fiascos.  Ep141
Cruising Off Duty
Fireworks at Clayton NY. Police stop us and other Fiascos. Ep141
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we will be sailing through the 100 Islands area of the St Lawrence River from Potter's Beach to Clayton to watch the Independence Day fireworks. We tried to Dinghy to Clayton to party and watch the fireworks from the ...
Sailing the 1000 Islands to a white sand beach.  Potter’s Beach on Grindstone Island. Ep140
Cruising Off Duty
Sailing the 1000 Islands to a white sand beach. Potter’s Beach on Grindstone Island. Ep140
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we will be sailing through the 100 Islands area of the St Lawrence River to the white sand beaches of Potter's Beach on Grindstone Island. We get a get a surprise morning wake up knock by the US Customs and Border pat...
Sights of Sailing On Canada Day.  Kingston, Ontario.  Ep139
Cruising Off Duty
Sights of Sailing On Canada Day. Kingston, Ontario. Ep139
This is the sights we captured as we sailed around near Kingston Ontario on Lake Ontario right at the mouth of the St Lawrence River. This is where you start to see the many islands that make up the 1000 Island area. It is just a beautiful area to have a...
Sailing Solo.  Fighting the wind and current.  Close Hauled all the way home. Ep138
Cruising Off Duty
Sailing Solo. Fighting the wind and current. Close Hauled all the way home. Ep138
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, I am sailing solo back to my home port in Kingston. I will show you what it takes to sail solo when the direction you need to go is dead into the wind. This requires you to sail "close hauled" (as close as your boat ...
Sailing Solo.  What to consider when alone.  Weather and wind rarely match forecast.  Ep137
Cruising Off Duty
Sailing Solo. What to consider when alone. Weather and wind rarely match forecast. Ep137
Since I work shift work and because I get way more vacation time than my wife, I tend to be on my boat alone, a lot. What I do differently when I know I am going to be out sailing alone. #1) Be extra vigilant to check your engine and boat rigging over ...
Editing with an iMac Pro on a Sailboat?  Do I have enough solar power for that?  New COD App!  Ep136
Cruising Off Duty
Editing with an iMac Pro on a Sailboat? Do I have enough solar power for that? New COD App! Ep136
I spend a lot of time editing the Cruising Off Duty episodes, but when I got my iMac Pro it helped speed up a really long process. Often I spend 8+ hrs editing each episode. If a faster computer could shave off an hour or 2 off each project and took down...
Alone on your boat for days?  My ways to never feel lonely.
Cruising Off Duty
Alone on your boat for days? My ways to never feel lonely.
Because I work shift work and because I get way more vacation time than my wife, I tend to be on my boat alone, a lot. But I never feel lonely. In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, I will show you how I spend so much time 2 hrs from home on my boat, but...
Alexandria Bay.  How Quick actions saved the town from record flooding.
Cruising Off Duty
Alexandria Bay. How Quick actions saved the town from record flooding.
Ep134. In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we take our Sailboat 5 hours down the St Lawrence River to Alexandria Bay. We meet with a local businessman who, through quick actions, saved the town from being decimated by last years flooding. Alexandria B...
The Antique Boat Museum in Clayton NY.   Going Fast In A 1930s Powerboat.
Cruising Off Duty
The Antique Boat Museum in Clayton NY. Going Fast In A 1930s Powerboat.
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we continue our weekend in Clayton NY by visiting the Antique Boat Museum. We tour the houseboat the George Boldt lived in while overseeing the construction of his Castle on Heart Island in 1903 and we get to go fast ...
Visiting Beautiful Clayton NY by Sailboat.  How they overcame the record flooding.
Cruising Off Duty
Visiting Beautiful Clayton NY by Sailboat. How they overcame the record flooding.
Ep131. In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we sail to Clayton NY, which is a beautiful little town on the shores of the St Lawrence river, in the 1000 Islands area. Last year there was record flood levels that decimated many towns along the waterfront. ...
2018 Sailing Season has started.  New Cruising Off Duty Intro.  What do you think?
Cruising Off Duty
2018 Sailing Season has started. New Cruising Off Duty Intro. What do you think?
The 2018 Sailing Season has begun. This is the new Cruising Off Duty Branded Intro. Since it will be played before most episodes, it has to be short, but I think it gives the Mantra of the Channel. Which is: You don't need to sail far and wide to see ...
Boldt Castle.  Breathtaking Crown Jewel of the 1000 Islands. (in 4K)
Cruising Off Duty
Boldt Castle. Breathtaking Crown Jewel of the 1000 Islands. (in 4K)
Ep130. We motor 4 hrs down the St Lawrence River through the 1000 Islands to explore Boldt Castle. This is the Breathtaking Crown Jewel of the 1000 Islands. This Castle is just baffling at it's size and Opulence. George Boldt and his family were very ...
Wolfe Island Ferry.   Anchoring Issues!  Wind/Weeds cause every boat to drag.
Cruising Off Duty
Wolfe Island Ferry. Anchoring Issues! Wind/Weeds cause every boat to drag.
Ep129. In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we head to Kingston and take the Free Wolfe Island Ferry across to explore the island by using our Folding Bikes. Then I sailed into the 1000 Islands, to Brakey Bay, on a friends boat and the combination of hi...
“Snake Island” Part 2.  Exploring abandoned buildings filled with all sorts of critters.  Ep126
Cruising Off Duty
“Snake Island” Part 2. Exploring abandoned buildings filled with all sorts of critters. Ep126
Ep126. In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we continue Part 2 of the "Snake Island" trip. We take our son Jake to an Island we have been to before, Main Duck Island. The Island is obviously a misnomer because we never see any Ducks but you can't go 10...
Kingston.  Our favorite city to visit by boat. Ep85
Cruising Off Duty
Kingston. Our favorite city to visit by boat. Ep85
Ep85. In this episode of Cruising Off Duty we continue our transit across Lake Ontario and head to our favorite city on the water, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Kingston is a very clean and well maintained city and it has transient docks you can use (for pr...