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Young OCEAN lovers living aboard a SAILBOAT FULL TIME  feat. Jellyfish II Ep. 14  Sagar Rani Odyssey
November 7, 2019
Young OCEAN lovers living aboard a SAILBOAT FULL TIME  feat. Jellyfish II Ep. 14  Sagar Rani Odyssey

Young OCEAN lovers living aboard a SAILBOAT FULL TIME feat. Jellyfish II Ep. 14 Sagar Rani Odyssey

Young OCEAN lovers living aboard a SAILBOAT FULL TIME  feat. Jellyfish II Ep. 14  Sagar Rani Odyssey

《 We aren’t lucky, we built our luck》 Jonathan Jagot

Living full time aboard a sailboat is our life as a young sailing couple. Casually, at every anchor we spend time on land to explore. Young oceans lovers we are , we also spend hours underwater looking for sea natural treasures, great photo shoots, fishes, and this time, we got the surprise to swim with dangerous Jelly fish, the Lion’s mane! With stings 10m long, we needed to be careful.


We also got lost in the Indonesian jungle in Bawean, looking for a big lake in the middle of the mountains!…

This is what we like with our adventure of sailing around the world and being young ocean lovers living aboard a sailboat full time. We have all the freedom we want to explore more and more everyday. For us, this is the life.

🇬🇧We set sails to follow our 2 passions: the OCEAN and SAILING

We are a young ocean lovers couple, Claire and Jo ( with our cat Sticky!) living on a sailboat full time and sailing around the world on a small budget but with big dreams. To accomplish our dream of living on the ocean, we chose a 1984 ferrocement boat, Sagar Rani. A simple lifestyle: exactly the one we always wanted as a young sailing couple. In our sailing travel vlogs, we will bring you sailing with us, showing you the real boat life ( so some boat works!), spearfishing, exploring the ocean, hiking, visiting new countries, new cultures, kitesurfing… Well, in fact, we’ll share the reality of our sailing lifestyle around the world!


Si vous souhaitez nous encourager et participer à la production vidéo, ou encore nous offrir un café ou une pierre, c’est possible 🤪 Peut-être aurons-nous un jour un Patreon, qui sait!

If you want to support us and participate to the video production, here you can! Maybe one day we’ll have Patreon, who knows!



Young OCEAN lovers living aboard a SAILBOAT FULL TIME feat. Jellyfish II Ep. 14 Sagar Rani Odyssey Locations

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