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~To Live Free~  (Motivational Poem & Introspection)
June 16, 2024
~To Live Free~  (Motivational Poem & Introspection)

~To Live Free~ (Motivational Poem & Introspection)

~To Live Free~  (Motivational Poem & Introspection)

This is my own motivational poem and personal perspective. It is an extreme view on life’s biggest decisions that we must all face.

“To live free, is to risk it all.
Plain and simple.
Yet so many think they can have both freedom and security….
That is an invitation to the prison of life.
If you doubt it, just look at a marriage, a mortgage, and working for someone else.
Each A supposed guarantee of love, home, and steady pay.
Yet each ultimately bends YOUR life to match its desires, and then so often, fails…..
Resulting in divorce, eviction, and unemployment.
Their secure world now shattered because they’re alone, out in the cold, without any money.
Because the simple truth is:
Those who plan to have the rest of their lives together don’t make the most of each day.
Those who always sleep in the same bed eventually stop appreciating its comfort.
Those that get paid every week spend their money frivolously.

Life with guarantees prevents us from living to the fullest!
But to be free:
Is to know that our time together is limited, we must make the absolute most of each day.
Is to have recently slept out in the cold, so always able to appreciate a warm bed.
Is to have saved & counted every dollar, and know its true value for only what is needed.

If these words inspire you, then step out of your comfort zone.
Choose a lifestyle of adventure.
Ride the highs & lows of life’s roller-coaster.
Know that death is the ONLY guarantee. Everything else in and of life is only temporary.
And that to sacrifice freedom for security is to be undeserving of either.
So you might at well…….

Live Free!”

This is my own motivational poem and personal perspective. It is an extreme view on life's biggest decisions that we must all face. "To live free, is to risk it all. Plain and simple. Yet so many think they can have both freedom and security.... That is an invitation to the prison of life. If you doubt it, just look at a marriage, a mortgage, and working for someone else. Each A supposed guarantee of love, home, and steady pay. Yet each ultimately bends YOUR life to match its desires, and then so often, fails..... Resulting in divorce, eviction, and unemployment. Their secure world now shattered because they're alone, out in the cold, without any money. Because the simple truth is: Those who plan to have the rest of their lives together don't make the most of each day. Those who always sleep in the same bed eventually stop appreciating its comfort. Those that get paid every week spend their money frivolously. Life with guarantees prevents us from living to the fullest! But to be free: Is to know that our time together is limited, we must make the absolute most of each day. Is to have recently slept out in the cold, so always able to appreciate a warm bed. Is to have saved & counted every dollar, and know its true value for only what is needed. If these words inspire you, then step out of your comfort zone. Choose a lifestyle of adventure. Ride the highs & lows of life's roller-coaster. Know that death is the ONLY guarantee. Everything else in and of life is only temporary. And that to sacrifice freedom for security is to be undeserving of either. So you might at well....... Live Free!"

~To Live Free~ (Motivational Poem & Introspection) Locations

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